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TExt SEgmentation model trained on TJournal dataset.


  • baselines ‒ the open source implementations of some existion solutions for text segmentation.
  • src ‒ main source code with model and dataset implementations and code of some useful functions.
  • configs ‒ parameters of model training in yaml format.
  • notebooks ‒ notebooks with data analysis.
  • scrapers ‒ code for collecting data from the tjournal website for text segmentation.
  • scripts ‒ scripts for preprocessing data, train or eval models.


Create virtual environment with venv or conda and install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The data is collected from the tjournal source.

The data can be found at the link.

  • data.jsonl ‒ the full datasets
  • {train/val/test}.jsonl ‒ the subsets of the datasets:
  • sentence_embeddings_{train/val/test}.jsonl ‒ Embedding of offers received with sbert_large_nlu_ru.
  • test_inputs ‒ documents from the test subsample in text format (without splitting).
  • test_outputs ‒ the partition obtained using the GraphSeg algorithm for test_inputs.

the format of data.jsonl and {train/val/test}.jsonl is following:


The structure of the document_i is:

  [sentence_1, label_1],
  [sentence_2, label_2], 
  [sentence_m, label_m]

where label is equal 0 or 1. 1 ‒ the sentence is the beginning of the paragraph, 0 otherwise.

The sentence_embeddings_{train/val/test}.jsonl files have the following structure:



  "sentence_embeddings": [vector_1, vector2, ... vectorm],
  "labels": [label_1, label_2, ..., label_m]

where vector_i is a float vector of size 1024.


Initially, individual sentences within each document undergo independent processing. They are tokenized and passed as input to the pre-trained Sentence-BERT model, denoted as BERT_sent. The outputs of BERT_sent, comprising a number of vectors equivalent to the number of tokens in the sentence, are subsequently averaged. The resultant vector represents the embedding of the corresponding sentence.

Consequently, the document is transformed into a sequence of sentence vectors. These vectors are then fed as input to another BERT model, denoted as BERT_seg. However, it is noteworthy that the dimensionality of these vectors may not align with the internal dimensionality of BERT_seg. To address this discrepancy, a linear layer is employed to convert the vectors to the desired dimension. The output vectors of BERT_seg, whose count corresponds to the number of sentences in the document, undergo further processing through a linear layer. This layer provides the probability that a given sentence serves as the opening sentence of a new paragraph.

Due to the high computational cost associated with maintaining two BERT-like models in GPU memory, only the weights of BERT_seg are modified during the training process. To overcome this challenge, all documents were preprocessed in advance, and the vectors for each sentence were saved to a file for improved speed and convenience.

It is widely recognized that BERT models from the Sentence-BERT family yield optimal vector representations of sentences. Therefore, the sbert_large_nlu_ru model, pretrained in Russian, was selected as BERT_sent for this study. This model consists of 16 encoder layers and 12 attention heads within each layer. The output vectors from BERT_sent have a dimensionality of 1024. Furthermore, the number of positional embeddings is constrained to 512, necessitating the truncation of sentences to adhere to this limit.

For quick training , rubert-tiny2 was taken as BERT_seg. It has an embedding size of 312, so sentence embeddings were processed by a linear layer 1024 -> 312. It has 3 layers and 12 heads of attention. Its limit on the input sequence is 2048. All documents in the training, test and validation subsets have fewer sentences, so nothing had to be cut. In the next section, we will take a closer look at the dataset and the partitioning into subsets.


Our approach

To run the training model run the script:

python -m scripts.train --config configs/default.yaml

Text Segmentation as a Supervised Learning Task

To evaluate the models from the article Text Segmentation as a Supervised Learning Task download the model weights and word2vec embeddings:

  • model
  • w2v Put this file to baselines/test-segmentation

Create environment since the source code is written in outdated python 2.7.

cd baselines/text-segmentation
conda create -n textseg python=2.7 numpy scipy gensim ipython 
source activate textseg
pip install 
pip install tqdm pathlib2 segeval tensorboard_logger flask flask_wtf nltk
pip install pandas xlrd xlsxwriter termcolor

And run the script:

python2.7 -m eval_tjournal

Note that the test dataset must be located in data/test.jsonl relative to the repository root.

Structural Text Segmentation of Legal Documents

To evaluate model from the article Structural Text Segmentation of Legal Documents on test.jsonl dataset use the following command:

python -m scripts.eval_structural_text_segmentation \
  --model dennlinger/roberta-cls-consec \
  --data data/test.jsonl \
  --max-len 512

model can be either dennlinger/roberta-cls-consec or dennlinger/roberta-cls-consec

Unsupervised Text Segmentation Using Semantic Relatedness Graphs

To run the algorithm from the paper Unsupervised Text Segmentation Using Semantic Relatedness Graphs run the following command:

cd baselines/graphseg/binary
java -jar graphseg.jar <absolute path to the test_input directory> <absolute path to the empty directory for outputs> 0.25 1

To compute the metrics for the obtained outputs run the script:

python -m scripts.eval_graphseg \
  --test-dataset data/test.jsonl \
  --graphseg-output data/test_outputs


TExt SEgmentation on TJournal dataset






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