some additional customization:
- Added some pre-defined students in StudentService
- Modified Birthdate display to more readable format
- Added a HashMap in Student to store grade
===== Reflection Questions =====
1. What did you like about this project?
I can use what I learned in Java to create/modify real application.
2. What did you struggle with in this project?
- OOP is like spider web: classes, objects, attributes and methods are intertwined together
- need to find a good way to name all classes and methods.
- Java modifier is confusing, don't know when to use which one: public? private? static? void?
- Reading someone else's code is challenging, need to figure out why the code is written in this way.
3. What would make your experience with this assessment better?
- PLEASE, please go through the potential solution after this assessment! don't waste this valuable thinking process.
- have better explaination of what we are suppose to do: there are a lot of unused methods in the code.