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Boo double precision benchmark

rollynoel edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 9 revisions

Added by Bill Wood

This is a comparative double precision benchmark in C#, C++, Java, Python, and Boo.

It computes a piece of the Mandelbrot set. The times to complete the benchmark on a 1.7GHz Pentium M IBM T41p running Windows XP Professional SP1:

Language / runtime Normalized time Actual time (secs)
Visual C# 2005 Express beta / .Net 2.0 betae .64e 6.44
boo 0.4.5 / .Net 2.0 beta .64 6.44![star](
Visual C++ 2005 Express beta / Win32 .66 6.68![star](
Visual Studio .Net 2003 C++ / Win32 1 10.12 (approx)
boo 0.4.3 / .Net 1.1 1 10.12
SharpDevelop C# / .Net 1.1 1.03 10.43
Sun Java 1.4.1_01 1.22 12.3 (approx)
ActivePython 2.3.2 89.31 903.79
![star]( - Benchmark values extrapolated from normalized times.

Boo's static typing speeds it up dramatically over Python. Avery Andrews at Australian National University reports a 5x Python speedup using psyco:

Using psyco:

import psyco

brings the 512 1000 case from 143.5 down to 27, pretty close to the
average 5x improvement that psyco tends to bring (Python 2.3)

The C++ version, compiled under Visual Studio .Net 2003 for the Win32 runtime, is no faster than boo and much slower than C# 2.0, raising the question of what optimizations Microsoft has applied in .Net 2.0?

The benchmark code is reproduced below for boo, C#, C++, Java, and Python. Run the benchmark with the command line "mbtest 1500 1000". 1500 is the height and width of a square of Mandelbrot pixels to calculate, 1000 is the number of iterations to run on each pixel before giving up and assigning a color of 0.

**boo version** ```boo /* * boo version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood */

def mb_d(xl as double, xs as double, yl as double, ys as double, ix as int, iyl as int, iyh as int, r as double, iterations as int, buf as (short)):

bp = 0
for iy in range(iyl, iyh):
    cx = xl + ix * xs
    ci = yl + iy * ys

rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0.0

    rx2 = 0.0; ri2 = 0.0; rx = 0.0; ri = 0.0
    count = 0
    while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
        ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
        rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
        rx2 = rx * rx
        ri2 = ri * ri
        count += 1
    if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
        buf[bp] = count
        bp += 1
        buf[bp] = 0
        bp += 1

def main(argv as (string)):

xl = -0.74526593488600
yl = 0.11303858131900
xh = -0.74525997120900
yh = 0.11304454499600
r = 4.0

size = int.Parse(argv[0])
iterations = int.Parse(argv[1])
print ("size = $size, iterations = $iterations")

buf = array(short, size)
xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

start = date.Now
for ix in range(0, size):
    mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size, r, iterations, buf)
elapsed = date.Now.Subtract(start)
print ("Boo elapsed time = $elapsed")

for i in buf:



<a name="C#Code"/>
**C# version**


  • C# version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood */ using System;

namespace MBTest { class MBTest {

    static void mb_d(double xl, double xs, double yl, double ys, int ix, int iyl, int iyh, double r, int iterations, short[] buf) {
        double cx, ci, rx, rx2, ri, ri2;
        int iy, count, bp = 0;

        for (iy = iyl; iy <= iyh; iy++) {
            cx = xl + ix * xs;
            ci = yl + iy * ys;
            rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0;
            for (count = 0; rx2 + ri2 <= r && count < iterations; count++) {
                ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci;
                rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx;
                rx2 = rx * rx;
                ri2 = ri * ri;
            if (rx2 + ri2 > r && count <= iterations)
                buf[bp++] = (short)count;
                buf[bp++] = 0;

    static void Main(string[] args) {
        double xl, xh, xs, yl, yh, ys, r;
        int ix, iterations, size;
        short[] buf;

        xl = -0.74526593488600;
        yl = 0.11303858131900;
        xh = -0.74525997120900;
        yh = 0.11304454499600;
        r = 4.0;

        size = Int32.Parse(args[0]);
        iterations = Int32.Parse(args[1]);
        Console.WriteLine("size = " + size + ", iterations = " + iterations);
        buf = new short[size];
        xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1);
        ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1);

        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
        for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++)
            mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size - 1, r, iterations, buf);
        Console.WriteLine("C# elapsed time = " + (DateTime.Now - start));

// for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++) // Console.Write(buf[ix] + " "); } } }

<a name="JavaCode"/>
**Java version**
 * Java version - Mandelbrot Benchmark by Bill Wood

public class mbtest {

    public static void mb_d(double xl, double xs, double yl, double ys, int ix, int iyl, int iyh, double r, int iterations, short buf[]) {
        double cx,ci, rx,rx2,ri,ri2;
        int iy, count, bp = 0;

        for (iy = iyl; iy <= iyh; iy++) {
            cx = xl + ix*xs;
            ci = yl + iy*ys;
            rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0;
            for (count = 0; rx2 + ri2 <= r && count < iterations; count++) {
                ri = (rx+rx)*ri + ci;
                rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx;
                rx2 = rx*rx;
                ri2 = ri*ri;
            if (rx2 + ri2 > r && count <= iterations)
                buf[bp++] = (short)count;
                buf[bp++] = 0;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double xl,xh,xs, yl,yh,ys, r;
        int ix, iterations, size;
        short buf[];

        xl = -0.74526593488600;
        yl = 0.11303858131900;
        xh = -0.74525997120900;
        yh = 0.11304454499600;
        r = 4.0;

        size = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        iterations = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        System.out.println("size = " + size + ", iterations = " + iterations);
        buf = new short[size];
        xs = (xh - xl)/(size - 1);
        ys  = (yh - yl)/(size - 1);

        for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++)
            mb_d(xl,xs, yl,ys, ix, 0,size-1, r,iterations, buf);
//        for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++)
//            System.out.println(buf[ix] + " ");

**Python version** ```python """ Python version - Mandelbrot benchmark by Bill Wood


def mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, iyl, iyh, r, iterations, buf):

bp = 0
for iy in xrange(iyl, iyh):
    cx = xl + ix * xs
    ci = yl + iy * ys
    rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0
    count = 0
    while ((rx2 + ri2) <= r) and (count < iterations):
        ri = (rx + rx) * ri + ci
        rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx
        rx2 = rx * rx
        ri2 = ri * ri
        count += 1
    if (rx2 + ri2 > r) and (count <= iterations):
        buf[bp] = count
        bp += 1
        buf[bp] = 0
        bp += 1

import sys, time

def Main():

xl = -0.74526593488600
yl = 0.11303858131900
xh = -0.74525997120900
yh = 0.11304454499600
r = 4.0

size = int(sys.argv[1])
iterations = int(sys.argv[2])
print "size = ", size, ", iterations = ", iterations

buf = range(0, size)
xs = (xh - xl) / (size - 1)
ys = (yh - yl) / (size - 1)

starttime = time.clock()
for ix in xrange(0, size):
    mb_d(xl, xs, yl, ys, ix, 0, size, r, iterations, buf)
print "Total time:    ", time.clock() - starttime

print buf


#include "stdafx.h"

<a name="C++Code"/>
**C++ version**
 *  C++ version - Mandelbrot benchmark by Bill Wood

void mb_d(double xl, double xs, double yl, double ys, int ix, int iyl, int iyh, double r, int iterations,

short int *buf)
  double cx,ci, rx,rx2,ri,ri2;
  int iy, count;

  for (iy = iyl; iy <= iyh; iy++) {
    cx = xl + ix*xs;
    ci = yl + iy*ys;
    rx2 = ri2 = rx = ri = 0;
    for (count = 0; rx2 + ri2 <= r && count < iterations; count++) {
      ri = (rx+rx)*ri + ci;
      rx = rx2 - ri2 + cx;
      rx2 = rx*rx;
      ri2 = ri*ri;
    if (rx2 + ri2 > r && count <= iterations)
      *buf++ = count;
      *buf++ = 0;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  double xl,xh,xs, yl,yh,ys, r;
  int ix, iterations, size;
  short int *buf;

  xl = -0.74526593488600;
  yl = 0.11303858131900;
  xh = -0.74525997120900;
  yh = 0.11304454499600;
  r = 4.0;

  size = atoi(argv[1]);
  iterations = atoi(argv[2]);
  printf("size = %d, iterations = %d\n", size, iterations);
  buf = (short int *)malloc(size*sizeof(short int));
  xs = (xh - xl)/(size - 1);
  ys  = (yh - yl)/(size - 1);

  for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++)
    mb_d(xl,xs, yl,ys, ix, 0,size-1, r,iterations, buf);
//  for (ix = 0; ix < size; ix++)
//    printf("%d ", buf[ix]);
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