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Boo Primer: [Part 15] Functions as Objects and Multithreading

rmboggs edited this page Jul 21, 2012 · 3 revisions

Having Functions act as objects exposes three very useful methods:

  1. function.Invoke(<arguments>) as <return type>
  2. function.BeginInvoke(<arguments>) as IAsyncResult
  3. function.EndInvoke(IAsyncResult) as <return type>

.Invoke just calls the function normally and acts like it was called with just regular parentheses ().

.BeginInvoke starts a seperate thread that does nothing but run the function invoked.

.EndInvoke finishes up the previously invoked function and returns the proper return type.

example of .Invoke

def Nothing(x):
    return x

i = 5
assert 5 == Nothing(i)
assert i == Nothing.Invoke(i)
assert i == Nothing.Invoke.Invoke(i)

Since .Invoke is a function itself, it has its own .Invoke.

Here's a good example of .BeginInvoke

Multithreading with .BeginInvoke

import System
import System.Threading

class FibonacciCalculator:
    def constructor():
        _alpha, _beta = 0, 1
        _stopped = true
    def Calculate():
        _stopped = false
        while not _stopped:
            _alpha, _beta = _beta, _alpha + _beta
            print _beta
    def Start():
        _result = Calculate.BeginInvoke()
    def Stop():
        _stopped = true

    _result as IAsyncResult
    _alpha as ulong
    _beta as ulong
    _stopped as bool

fib = FibonacciCalculator()
prompt("Press enter to stop...\n")

The output produces the Fibonacci sequence roughly every 200 milliseconds (because that's what the delay is). This will produce an overflow after it gets up to 2^64.

The important thing is that it stops cleanly if you press Enter.


  1. Think of an exercise

Go on to Part 16 - Generators

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