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Kangcheng Hou edited this page Feb 27, 2019 · 4 revisions

We also provide code for simulating OLS sumstats with different genetic architecture.

Simulating OLS sumstats can be divided into the following steps:

  1. computing the mean and standard deviation for each SNP in population and standardize the genotype matrix
  2. draw the effect sizes for each SNP
  3. simulating the phenotypes
  4. simulating the OLS sumstats
geno = Bed('/path/to/bfile', count_A1=False).read().val
# impute nan SNPs
nanidx = np.where(np.isnan(genotype))
mean = np.nanmean(genotype, axis=0)
genotype[nanidx] = mean_geno[nanidx[1]] 
# standardize genotypes
geno -= geno.mean(axis=0)
geno /= geno.std(axis=0)
num_indv, num_snps = geno.shape
# here we draw from infinitesimal effect sizes model with heritability 0.1 for an example
beta = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=num_snps)
# simulating phenotypes
phe_g =, beta)
phe_g = phe_g * np.sqrt(hsq / np.var(phe_g))
phe_e = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=num_indv)
phe_e = phe_e * np.sqrt((1 - hsq) / np.var(phe_e))
phe = phe_g + phe_e
# simulating OLS sumstats z-scores
zsc =, phe) / np.sqrt(num_indv)

This code should work fine for small dataset. But in some cases, we may want to

  1. Simulate using large dataset.
  2. Specify how the effect sizes are drawn (different genetic architecture)

We can use the provided code located at sim_gwas/chr in this repository to achieve these two easily. By Changing option: chunk_size in config.json, we can fit the computation into memory. By specifies params, we can change how the effect sizes are drawn.

In order to simulate using the provided code, we can input the command as follows:

1. Mean and standard deviation

python ./ mean-std --config=${config}

2. Effect sizes

python ./ beta --config=${config} --param-i=${param_i}

3. phenotype from genetic component

python ./ phe-g --config=${config} --param-i=${param_i}

4. phenotype (with environmental component added)

python ./ phe --config=${config} --param-i=${param_i}

5. OLS sumstats

python ./ zsc --config=${config} --param-i=${param_i}