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holfordm committed Oct 17, 2024
1 parent 447e04d commit c14ead1
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Showing 10 changed files with 453 additions and 67 deletions.
118 changes: 94 additions & 24 deletions collections/Bodl/MS_Bodl_284.xml
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@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?><?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?><TEI xmlns="" xml:id="manuscript_1334">
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?><?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<TEI xmlns="" xml:id="manuscript_1334">
<title>MS. Bodl. 284</title>
<title type="collection">MSS. Bodl. (Bodley)</title>
<resp>Summary description</resp>
<persName>Elizabeth Solopova</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="SC">
<resp when="1922">Cataloguer</resp>
<persName>Falconer Madan</persName>
<persName>H. H. E. Craster</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="PA">
<resp when="1973">Cataloguer</resp>
<persName>Otto Pächt</persName>
<persName>J. J. G. Alexander</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="MLH">
<resp when="2024">Encoding</resp>
<persName>Matthew Holford</persName>

Expand All @@ -30,59 +41,115 @@
<institution>University of Oxford</institution>
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno type="shelfmark">MS. Bodl. 284</idno>
<idno type="ieArk">ark:29072/x01c18dg964h</idno><idno type="crArk">ark:29072/x01831cm12tk</idno><altIdentifier type="internal">
<idno type="ieArk">ark:29072/x01c18dg964h</idno>
<idno type="crArk">ark:29072/x01831cm12tk</idno>
<altIdentifier type="internal">
<idno type="SCN">2339</idno>
<head>Psalms and Athansian Creed with commentaries of Alexander Nequam</head>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<msItem class="#biblia #liturgica" n="1" xml:id="MS_Bodl_284-item1">
<title key="work_14155" type="desc">Psalter with commentary of <persName key="person_71420958" role="aut"> Alexander Nequam </persName>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<title type="desc" key="work_14130">Psalms</title>
<author key="person_71420958"> Alexander Nequam </author>
<title type="desc" key="work_5484">Commentary on Psalms</title>
<incipit>De orto deliciarum quatuor emanant flumina</incipit><incipit>Licet psalmus iste
<note>The text of the Psalms, with the commentary on them by Alexander
Neckam, the latter by the side or round the former, with prologue. Pss.
cxlvii-1 are wanting, but the MS. is not imperfect. A 16th cent. index of
the titles of the Psalms is on fol. 296. </note>

<locus>(fol. 297)</locus>
<author key="person_71420958"> Alexander Nequam </author>
<title type="desc" key="work_5485">Commentary on Athanasian Creed</title>
<incipit type="prol.">Caput aquile uisum</incipit><incipit>Hec est enim uictoria</incipit>
<note>Neckam's commentary on the Athanasian creed, with the
text, similarly arranged. The
author's name does not occur anywhere in the volume.</note>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>iii + 308 leaves
<dimensions type="binding" unit="in">
<layout columns="2 3">In treble or double columns</layout>
<decoNote>Fine borders, historiated initials. (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> iii. 359, pl. XXX)</decoNote>
<summary><ref target="">Pächt
and Alexander</ref> iii. 359, pl. XXX</summary>
<decoNote type="border">Fine borders. </decoNote>
<decoNote type="histInit">Fine historiated initials. </decoNote>
<binding when="1840">
<p>Modern style about A.D. 1840-50.</p>
<p>Modern style about A.D. 1840-50. About 1655 Langbaine describes the
volume as 'holosericatus, nigro tegmine, bullis æreis munitus'.</p>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1225" notBefore="1200">13th century, first quarter</origDate>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1225" notBefore="1200">13th century,
first quarter</origDate>
<origPlace cert="low">
<country key="place_7002445">English</country>, <settlement key="place_7011127">Cirencester</settlement> or <settlement key="place_7011931">Oxford</settlement> (?)<!--ORIGINAL: English, Cirencester (?) or Oxford (?)--></origPlace>
<country key="place_7002445">English</country>, <settlement
key="place_7011127">Cirencester</settlement> or <settlement
(?)<!--ORIGINAL: English, Cirencester (?) or Oxford (?)--></origPlace>
<provenance type="MLGB3_provenance_evidence" source="">
<orgName role="fmo" key="org_211447911">Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Augustinian abbey of St Mary the Virgin</orgName>: "Cirencestrie" (fols. iii recto, 119r, 153r, 294r); s. xvi. (<ref target="">MLGB3</ref>: evidence from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution). </provenance>
<provenance type="MLGB3_generalNotes" source="">Title in Leland's hand (?) (fol. iii recto), later than the "Cirencestrie" inscription. (<ref target="">MLGB3</ref>)
<provenance> It was owned by <persName role="fmo" key="person_172419710">king Henry VIII</persName>, see <ref target="">MS Bodl. 218 (S.C. 2054)</ref>.
</provenance><acquisition when="1604">Presented by <persName role="dnr" key="person_76469410">Charles Howard, earl of Nottingham</persName>, in 1604.</acquisition>

<provenance type="MLGB3_provenance_evidence"
<orgName role="fmo" key="org_211447911">Cirencester, Gloucestershire,
Augustinian abbey of St Mary the Virgin</orgName>: "Cirencestrie" (fols. iii
recto, 119r, 153r, 294r); s. xvi. (<ref
target="">MLGB3</ref>: evidence
from an ex-libris inscription or note of gift to an institution). </provenance>
<provenance type="MLGB3_generalNotes"
source="">Title in Leland's hand
(?) (fol. iii recto), later than the "Cirencestrie" inscription. (<ref
target="">MLGB3</ref>) </provenance>
<provenance> It was owned by <persName role="fmo" key="person_172419710">king
Henry VIII</persName>, see <ref
target="">MS Bodl.
218 (S.C. 2054)</ref>. </provenance>
<acquisition when="1604">Presented by <persName role="dnr" key="person_76469410"
>Charles Howard, earl of Nottingham</persName>, in 1604.</acquisition>

<ref target="">Summary description</ref> abbreviated from the Summary Catalogue (1922). Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1973). <listBibl>
<bibl facs="aap0338.gif" type="SC">Summary Catalogue, vol. 2, part 1, p. 317</bibl>
Description adapted (2024) from the Summary Catalogue (1922).
Decoration, localization and date follow Pächt and Alexander (1973). <listBibl>
<bibl facs="aap0338.gif" type="SC">Summary Catalogue, vol. 2, part 1,
p. 317</bibl>
<bibl subtype="partial" type="digital-facsimile">
<ref target="">
<title>Digital Bodleian</title>
<note>(13 images from 35mm slides)</note>
Expand All @@ -103,11 +170,14 @@
<change when="2024-10">Description revised to incorporate all information from Summary Catalogue.</change>
<change when="2022-04-04">Add binding information from Summary Catalogue.</change>
<change when="2021-12-14">Add provenance information from MLGB3.</change>
<change when="2017-07-01">First online publication.</change>
<change when="2017-05-25">
<persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref target=""></ref>
<persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref
Expand All @@ -116,4 +186,4 @@

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