This repo is for apue 3ed
In the book, at least chaper 1, does not compile. It mentioned the file apue.h and error.c which is present at the end of the book. I have downloaded the source code. The two files are in the tar ball.
To make the example of the book work, just
- copy both apue.h and error.c into the same directory of the examples
- include error.c Yes, include a c file, not a h file.
Chapter 1 completed. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction of Unix. Then cover some aspects from the programming perspective
- I/O
- User
- processes
- error
- signal
- time values
- system call vs. api
Page 69, how to create a file with nohole, man?
Create a file nohole.c to generate the file.nohle. It is based on 3.2.c. 又一次盡信書不如無書的好例子。