This repository contains an R package called topicmodels.etm
which is an implementation of ETM
- ETM is a generative topic model combining traditional topic models (LDA) with word embeddings (word2vec)
- It models each word with a categorical distribution whose natural parameter is the inner product between a word embedding and an embedding of its assigned topic
- The model is fitted using an amortized variational inference algorithm on top of libtorch (
- The techniques are explained in detail in the paper: "Topic Modelling in Embedding Spaces" by Adji B. Dieng, Francisco J. R. Ruiz and David M. Blei, available at
- For installing the package from CRAN:
pkgs <- c("torch", "topicmodels.etm", "word2vec", "doc2vec", "udpipe", "uwot")
- For installing the development version of this package: you can perform the following installations in R:
remotes::install_github('bnosac/ETM', INSTALL_opts = '--no-multiarch')
- For allowing to plot the models:
Build a topic model on questions answered in Belgian parliament in 2020 in Dutch.
- Example text of +/- 6000 questions asked in the Belgian parliament (available in R package doc2vec).
- Standardise the text a bit
data(be_parliament_2020, package = "doc2vec")
x <- data.frame(doc_id = be_parliament_2020$doc_id,
text = be_parliament_2020$text_nl,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
x$text <- txt_clean_word2vec(x$text)
w2v <- word2vec(x = x$text, dim = 25, type = "skip-gram", iter = 10, min_count = 5, threads = 2)
embeddings <- as.matrix(w2v)
predict(w2v, newdata = c("migranten", "belastingen"), type = "nearest", top_n = 4)
term1 term2 similarity rank
1 migranten lesbos 0.9434163 1
2 migranten chios 0.9334459 2
3 migranten vluchtelingenkampen 0.9269973 3
4 migranten kamp 0.9175452 4
term1 term2 similarity rank
1 belastingen belasting 0.9458982 1
2 belastingen ontvangsten 0.9091899 2
3 belastingen geheven 0.9071115 3
4 belastingen ontduiken 0.9029559 4
- Create a bag of words document term matrix (using the udpipe package but other R packages provide similar functionalities)
- Keep only the top 50% terms with the highest TFIDF
- Make sure document/term/matrix and the embedding matrix have the same vocabulary
dtm <-, group = "doc_id", term = "text", split = " ")
dtm <- document_term_frequencies(dtm)
dtm <- document_term_matrix(dtm)
dtm <- dtm_remove_tfidf(dtm, prob = 0.50)
vocab <- intersect(rownames(embeddings), colnames(dtm))
embeddings <- dtm_conform(embeddings, rows = vocab)
dtm <- dtm_conform(dtm, columns = vocab)
- Learn 20 topics with a 100-dimensional hyperparameter for the variational inference
model <- ETM(k = 20, dim = 100, embeddings = embeddings)
optimizer <- optim_adam(params = model$parameters, lr = 0.005, weight_decay = 0.0000012)
loss <- model$fit(data = dtm, optimizer = optimizer, epoch = 20, batch_size = 1000)
plot(model, type = "loss")
terminology <- predict(model, type = "terms", top_n = 5)
term beta
3891 zelfstandigen 0.05245856
2543 opdeling 0.02827548
5469 werkloosheid 0.02366866
3611 ocmw 0.01772762
4957 zelfstandige 0.01139760
term beta
3891 zelfstandigen 0.032309771
5469 werkloosheid 0.021119611
4957 zelfstandige 0.010217560
3611 ocmw 0.009712025
2543 opdeling 0.008961252
term beta
2537 gedetineerden 0.02914266
3827 nationaliteit 0.02540042
3079 gevangenis 0.02136421
5311 gevangenissen 0.01215335
3515 asielzoekers 0.01204639
term beta
3435 btw 0.02814350
5536 kostprijs 0.02012880
3508 pod 0.01218093
2762 vzw 0.01088356
2996 vennootschap 0.01015108
term beta
3372 verbaal 0.011172118
3264 politiezone 0.008422602
3546 arrondissement 0.007855867
3052 inbreuken 0.007204257
2543 opdeling 0.007149355
term beta
3296 instelling 0.04442037
3540 wetenschappelijke 0.03434755
2652 china 0.02702594
3043 volksrepubliek 0.01844959
3893 hongkong 0.01792639
term beta
2133 databank 0.003111386
3079 gevangenis 0.002650804
3255 dvz 0.002098217
3614 centra 0.001884672
2142 geneesmiddelen 0.001791468
term beta
2547 defensie 0.03706463
3785 kabinet 0.01323747
4054 griekse 0.01317877
3750 turkse 0.01238277
3076 leger 0.00964661
term beta
3649 nmbs 0.005472604
3704 beslag 0.004442090
2457 nucleaire 0.003911803
2461 mondmaskers 0.003712016
3533 materiaal 0.003513884
term beta
4586 politiezones 0.017413139
2248 voertuigen 0.012508971
3649 nmbs 0.008157282
2769 politieagenten 0.007591151
3863 beelden 0.006747020
term beta
3827 nationaliteit 0.009992087
4912 duitse 0.008966853
3484 turkije 0.008940011
2652 china 0.008723009
4008 overeenkomst 0.007879931
term beta
3651 opsplitsen 0.008752496
4247 kinderen 0.006497230
2606 sciensano 0.006430181
3170 tests 0.006420473
3587 studenten 0.006165542
term beta
3052 inbreuken 0.007657704
2447 drugs 0.006734609
2195 meldingen 0.005259825
3372 verbaal 0.005117311
3625 cyberaanvallen 0.004269334
term beta
2234 gebouwen 0.06128503
3531 digitale 0.03030998
3895 bpost 0.02974019
4105 regie 0.02608073
3224 infrabel 0.01758554
term beta
3649 nmbs 0.08117295
3826 station 0.03944306
3911 trein 0.03548101
4965 treinen 0.02843846
3117 stations 0.02732874
term beta
3649 nmbs 0.06778506
3240 personeelsleden 0.03363639
2972 telewerk 0.01857295
4965 treinen 0.01807373
3785 kabinet 0.01702784
term beta
2371 app 0.009092372
3265 stoffen 0.006641808
2461 mondmaskers 0.006462210
3025 persoonsgegevens 0.005374488
2319 websites 0.005372964
term beta
5296 aangifte 0.01940070
3435 btw 0.01360575
2762 vzw 0.01307520
2756 facturen 0.01233578
2658 rekenhof 0.01196285
term beta
3631 beperking 0.017481016
3069 handicap 0.010403863
3905 tewerkstelling 0.009714387
3785 kabinet 0.006984415
2600 ombudsman 0.006074827
term beta
3228 geweld 0.05881281
4178 vrouwen 0.05113553
4247 kinderen 0.04818219
2814 jongeren 0.01803746
2195 meldingen 0.01548613
newdata <- head(dtm, n = 5)
scores <- predict(model, newdata, type = "topics")
torch_save(model, "example_etm.ckpt")
model <- torch_load("example_etm.ckpt")
Example plot shown above was created using the following code
- This uses R package textplot >= 0.2.0 which was updated on CRAN on 2021-08-18
- The summary function maps the learned embeddings of the words and topic centers in 2D using UMAP and textplot_embedding_2d plots the selected topics of interest in 2D
manifolded <- summary(model, type = "umap", n_components = 2, metric = "cosine", n_neighbors = 15,
fast_sgd = FALSE, n_threads = 2, verbose = TRUE)
space <- subset(manifolded$embed_2d, type %in% "centers")
space <- subset(manifolded$embed_2d, cluster %in% c(12, 14, 9, 7) & rank <= 7)
textplot_embedding_2d(space, title = "ETM topics", subtitle = "embedded in 2D using UMAP",
encircle = FALSE, points = TRUE)
- Put embeddings of words and topic centers in 2D using UMAP
centers <- as.matrix(model, type = "embedding", which = "topics")
embeddings <- as.matrix(model, type = "embedding", which = "words")
manifold <- umap(embeddings,
n_components = 2, metric = "cosine", n_neighbors = 15, fast_sgd = TRUE,
n_threads = 2, ret_model = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
centers <- umap_transform(X = centers, model = manifold)
words <- manifold$embedding
- Plot words in 2D, color by topic and add topic centers in 2D
- This uses R package textplot >= 0.2.0 ( which was put on CRAN on 2021-08-18
terminology <- predict(model, type = "terms", top_n = 7)
terminology <- rbindlist(terminology, idcol = "cluster")
df <- list(words = merge(x = terminology,
y = data.frame(x = words[, 1], y = words[, 2], term = rownames(embeddings)),
by = "term"),
centers = data.frame(x = centers[, 1], y = centers[, 2],
term = paste("Topic-", seq_len(nrow(centers)), sep = ""),
cluster = seq_len(nrow(centers))))
df <- rbindlist(df, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE, idcol = "type")
df <- df[, weight := ifelse(, 0.8, beta / max(beta, na.rm = TRUE)), by = list(cluster)]
x <- subset(df, type %in% c("words", "centers") & cluster %in% c(1, 3, 4, 8))
textplot_embedding_2d(x, title = "ETM topics", subtitle = "embedded in 2D using UMAP", encircle = FALSE, points = FALSE)
textplot_embedding_2d(x, title = "ETM topics", subtitle = "embedded in 2D using UMAP", encircle = TRUE, points = TRUE)
- Or if you like writing down the full ggplot2 code
x$topic <- factor(x$cluster)
plt <- ggplot(x,
aes(x = x, y = y, label = term, color = topic, cex = weight, pch = factor(type, levels = c("centers", "words")))) +
geom_text_repel(show.legend = FALSE) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "ETM topics", subtitle = "embedded in 2D using UMAP")
plt + geom_point(show.legend = FALSE)
## encircle if topics are non-overlapping can provide nice visualisations
plt + geom_encircle(aes(group = topic, fill = topic), alpha = 0.4, show.legend = FALSE) + geom_point(show.legend = FALSE)
More examples are provided in the help of the ETM function see
Don't forget to set seeds to have reproducible behaviour
Need support in text mining? Contact BNOSAC: