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Starting a new project

BN Developer edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 3 revisions

This is a step-by-step guide that would help you to kick-start a new project. We assume it is a React-based front-end and with a Strapi-driven content management system.

Create a repository

The preferable way of starting a new project is making it from our project templates. Start creating a new project and select bn-digital/project-templates template.

If you have a GitHub Toolbox installed, you would be able to clone it to your IDE with one click.

Ensure you are familiar with the project structure.

Run the app

Install all modules by running yarn install command.

After the packages installation, go to each of the packages and run yarn start. This creates and runs local builds.

Review package.jsons

Read and review all package.json files: one global and one for each "package". Ensure that you understand scripts there.

Create a new component

Each component should go to a components folder in a corresponding app (package). Create a folder there, and create ComponentName.tsx with the appropriate name inside. If you have a compound component, create a plain structure inside a component folder, but create an index.tsx file with a default export.

Create a new page

Update routing