This is a Java chart library that provides a JChart class that extends JPanel.
It supports the following types of charts:
- Line charts (sub class JLineChart)
- Bar charts (sub class JBarChart)
- Pie charts (sub class JPieChart)
- Scatter charts (sub class JScatterChart)
- Box charts (sub class JBoxChart)
The basic principle is that you first create an instance of the preferred chart class.
After that you add the data sets with the method chartAddDataSet and then the data points with chartAddDataPoint.
There are also several methods to set the style and colors of the chart.
By right clicking on a chart you can save it as a .png image.
The JavaDocs are included in the doc folder in the .jar file.
The JChart requires Java 8.
The library also contains a JChartDemo class. When you create an instance of this class it creates a number of windows with all kinds of examples.