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More set_twiss and dispersion devel. (#990)
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* More set_twiss devel.
* More dispersion devel.
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DavidSagan authored Jun 3, 2024
1 parent c6808d7 commit eb0cd7e
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Showing 14 changed files with 350 additions and 297 deletions.
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions bmad/code/reverse_lat.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,11 +71,7 @@ subroutine reverse_lat (lat_in, lat_rev, track_antiparticle)
ele_rev%s = 0
ele_rev%floor = branch_in%ele(nt)%floor

call transfer_twiss (branch_in%ele(nt), ele_rev)
ele_rev%a%alpha = -ele_rev%a%alpha
ele_rev%b%alpha = -ele_rev%b%alpha
ele_rev%c_mat(1,2) = -ele_rev%c_mat(1,2)
ele_rev%c_mat(2,1) = -ele_rev%c_mat(2,1)
call transfer_twiss (branch_in%ele(nt), ele_rev, .true.)

! All other elements

Expand Down
40 changes: 28 additions & 12 deletions bmad/code/set_twiss.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
! Subroutine set_twiss(branch, twiss_ele, ix_ele, err_flag, print_err)
! Subroutine set_twiss(branch, twiss_ele, ix_ele, match_deta_ds, err_flag, print_err)
! Routine to set the beginning Twiss of a lattice branch so that the Twiss parameters at branch%ele(ix_ele) are
! the same as the Twiss parameters in twiss_ele.
! For an open lattice branch, set the beginning Twiss, coupling, and dispersion of the branch so that the
! Twiss parameters at the "target" element branch%ele(ix_ele) are the same as the Twiss parameters in twiss_ele.
! It is OK for twiss_ele to be an element in the branch (this routine makes a copy to be safe).
! Since the the reference orbit at twiss_ele may be different from the reference orbit at the target ele,
! it is not possible, in general, to match both etap and deta_ds. Which is matched is set by match_deta_ds.
! Additionally, It is not possible to simultaneously match both (x,y) deta_ds and (a,b) normal mode deta_ds.
! This routine matches (x,y) deta_ds only (when match_deta_ds = True).
! Input:
! branch -- branch_struct: Branch to modify.
! twiss_ele -- ele_struct: Element with desired Twiss parameters.
! ix_ele -- integer: Match branch%ele(ix_ele) Twiss to twiss_ele.
! err_flag -- logical: Set True if there is an error. False otherwise.
! print_err -- logical, optional: Print an error message if there is an error? Default is True.
! branch -- branch_struct: Branch to modify.
! twiss_ele -- ele_struct: Element with desired Twiss parameters.
! ix_ele -- integer: Match branch%ele(ix_ele) Twiss to twiss_ele.
! match_deta_ds -- logical: If True, match deta_ds. If False, match etap.
! err_flag -- logical: Set True if there is an error. False otherwise.
! print_err -- logical, optional: Print an error message if there is an error? Default is True.

subroutine set_twiss(branch, twiss_ele, ix_ele, err_flag, print_err)
subroutine set_twiss(branch, twiss_ele, ix_ele, match_deta_ds, err_flag, print_err)

use bmad, dummy => set_twiss

Expand All @@ -24,12 +31,12 @@ subroutine set_twiss(branch, twiss_ele, ix_ele, err_flag, print_err)
type (ele_struct) twiss_ele, ele0, ele1
type (ele_struct), pointer :: ele

real(rp) xmat(6,6), xvec(6)
real(rp) xmat(6,6), xvec(6), rel_p

integer ix_ele
integer ie

logical err_flag
logical match_deta_ds, err_flag
logical, optional :: print_err

character(*), parameter :: r_name = 'set_twiss'
Expand All @@ -52,9 +59,18 @@ subroutine set_twiss(branch, twiss_ele, ix_ele, err_flag, print_err)

! Note: twiss_propagate1 treats deta_ds as a dependent variable to etap

call transfer_twiss(twiss_ele, ele0)
ele0%map_ref_orb_out = twiss_ele%map_ref_orb_out

if (match_deta_ds) then
ele => branch%ele(ix_ele)
rel_p = 1.0_rp + ele%map_ref_orb_out%vec(6)
ele0%x%etap = ele0%x%deta_ds * rel_p + ele%map_ref_orb_out%vec(2) / rel_p
ele0%y%etap = ele0%y%deta_ds * rel_p + ele%map_ref_orb_out%vec(4) / rel_p

do ie = ix_ele, 1, -1
ele => branch%ele(ie)
call mat_inverse(ele%mat6, ele1%mat6)
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70 changes: 13 additions & 57 deletions bmad/code/twiss_at_start.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ subroutine twiss_at_start (lat, status, ix_branch, type_out)
type (ele_struct), target :: drift_ele
type (branch_struct), pointer :: branch

real(rp) eta_vec(4), t0_4(4,4), mat6(6,6), map0(4), m56
real(rp) eta_vec(5), t0_5(5,5), mat6(6,6), map0(5), m56

integer, optional, intent(in) :: ix_branch
integer, optional, intent(out) ::status
Expand All @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ subroutine twiss_at_start (lat, status, ix_branch, type_out)

! Init one turn. T0 is the transverse part of the matrix

call mat_make_unit (t0_4) ! form unit matrix
call mat_make_unit (t0_5) ! form unit matrix
eta_vec = 0
map0 = 0
m56 = 0
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ subroutine twiss_at_start (lat, status, ix_branch, type_out)

! Propagate the transfer map around branch.
! Since the RF is taken to be off we use a trick so we only have to multiply
! 4x4 matrices.
! 5x5 matrices.

if (debug) then
iu = lunget()
Expand All @@ -80,23 +80,22 @@ subroutine twiss_at_start (lat, status, ix_branch, type_out)
ele => drift_ele

m56 = m56 + ele%mat6(5,6) + dot_product(ele%mat6(5,1:4), eta_vec)
eta_vec = matmul (ele%mat6(1:4,1:4), eta_vec) + ele%mat6(1:4,6)
map0 = matmul (ele%mat6(1:4,1:4), map0) + ele%vec0(1:4)
t0_4 = matmul (ele%mat6(1:4,1:4), t0_4)
eta_vec = matmul (ele%mat6(1:5,1:5), eta_vec) + ele%mat6(1:5,6)
map0 = matmul (ele%mat6(1:5,1:5), map0) + ele%vec0(1:5)
t0_5 = matmul (ele%mat6(1:5,1:5), t0_5)
if (debug) then
write (iu, *) '!------------------------------------', n
call type_ele (ele, .false., 0, .false., 0, lines = lines, n_lines = n_lines)
do i = 1, n_lines
write (iu, '(a)') trim(lines(i))
write (iu, *) 'Symplectic Check:', mat_symp_error(t0_4)
do i = 1, 4
write (iu, '(5x, 4f14.8, 6x, 4f14.8)') t0_4(i,:), ele%mat6(i,1:4)
write (iu, *) 'Symplectic Check:', mat_symp_error(t0_5(1:4,1:4))
do i = 1, 5
write (iu, '(5x, 5f14.8, 6x, 5f14.8)') t0_5(i,:), ele%mat6(i,1:5)
write (iu, '(a, 6es18.10)') 'Map_ref_orb:', ele%map_ref_orb_in%vec
write (iu, '(a, 4es20.12)') 'Eta: ', eta_vec
write (iu, '(a, 4es20.12)') 'Map0:', map0
write (iu, '(a, 5es20.12)') 'Eta: ', eta_vec
write (iu, '(a, 5es20.12)') 'Map0:', map0

Expand All @@ -105,10 +104,8 @@ subroutine twiss_at_start (lat, status, ix_branch, type_out)
! Put 1-turn matrix into branch%param%t1_no_RF

call mat_make_unit (mat6)
mat6(1:4,1:4) = t0_4

call mat6_dispersion (eta_vec, mat6) ! dispersion to %mat6
mat6(5,6) = m56
mat6(1:5,1:5) = t0_5
mat6(1:5, 6) = eta_vec
branch%param%t1_no_RF = mat6

! Compute twiss parameters
Expand All @@ -125,45 +122,4 @@ subroutine twiss_at_start (lat, status, ix_branch, type_out)
branch%ele(0)%a%phi = 0
branch%ele(0)%b%phi = 0


! Subroutine mat6_dispersion (m_i6, mat6)
! Subroutine to set the mat6(5, 1:4) terms given the vector mat6(1:4, 6)
! which is a measure of the dispersion.
! Input:
! m_i6(4) -- Real(rp): mat6(1:4, 6) components.
! mat6(6,6) -- Real(rp): Matrix with 4x4 x-y submatrix already made.
! Output:
! mat6(6,6) -- Real(rp): mat6(5, 1:4) components set.

subroutine mat6_dispersion (m_i6, mat6)

implicit none

real(rp), intent(inout) :: mat6(:,:)
real(rp), intent(in) :: m_i6(:)

real(rp) vec4(4)


mat6(1:4, 6) = m_i6(1:4)

vec4(1) = -m_i6(2)
vec4(2) = m_i6(1)
vec4(3) = -m_i6(4)
vec4(4) = m_i6(3)

mat6(5,1:4) = matmul (vec4, mat6(1:4,1:4))

end subroutine mat6_dispersion

end subroutine
49 changes: 16 additions & 33 deletions bmad/code/twiss_from_mat6.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,12 +47,7 @@ subroutine twiss_from_mat6 (mat6, orb0, ele, stable, growth_rate, status, type_o

stable = .false.
m6 = mat6

if (bmad_private%normalize_twiss) then
rel_p = 1 + orb0(6)
m6(1:5:2, 2:6:2) = m6(1:5:2, 2:6:2) * rel_p
m6(2:6:2, 1:5:2) = m6(2:6:2, 1:5:2) / rel_p
rel_p = 1 + orb0(6)

mat4 = m6(1:4, 1:4)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,43 +105,31 @@ subroutine twiss_from_mat6 (mat6, orb0, ele, stable, growth_rate, status, type_o
forall (i = 1:4) mat4(i,i) = mat4(i,i) + 1
call mat_inverse (mat4, mat4)

vec(1) = m6(1,6) + (m6(1,2) * orb0(2) + m6(1,4) * orb0(4))
vec(2) = m6(2,6) + (m6(2,2) * orb0(2) + m6(2,4) * orb0(4) - orb0(2))
vec(3) = m6(3,6) + (m6(3,2) * orb0(2) + m6(3,4) * orb0(4))
vec(4) = m6(4,6) + (m6(4,2) * orb0(2) + m6(4,4) * orb0(4) - orb0(4))

eta_vec = matmul(mat4, vec)
eta_vec = matmul(mat4, mat6(1:4,6))

ele%x%eta = eta_vec(1)
ele%x%deta_ds = eta_vec(2)
ele%x%etap = eta_vec(2)
ele%x%deta_ds = ele%x%etap / rel_p - orb0(2) / rel_p**2

ele%y%eta = eta_vec(3)
ele%y%deta_ds = eta_vec(4)
ele%y%etap = eta_vec(4)
ele%y%deta_ds = eta_vec(4) / rel_p - orb0(4) / rel_p*2

ele%z%eta = 0
ele%z%etap = 1
ele%z%deta_ds = 1

eta_vec = matmul(mat_symp_conj(v), eta_vec)
ele%a%eta = eta_vec(1)
ele%a%deta_ds = eta_vec(2)
ele%b%eta = eta_vec(3)
ele%b%deta_ds = eta_vec(4)


eta_vec = matmul(mat4, mat6(1:4,6))

ele%x%eta = eta_vec(1)
ele%x%etap = eta_vec(2)
ele%y%eta = eta_vec(3)
ele%y%etap = eta_vec(4)
eta_vec = matmul(mat_symp_conj(v), eta_vec)
vec = matmul(mat_symp_conj(v), orb0(1:4))

ele%z%eta = 0
ele%z%etap = 1
ele%a%eta = eta_vec(1)
ele%a%etap = eta_vec(2)
ele%a%deta_ds = ele%a%etap / rel_p - vec(2) / rel_p**2

eta_vec = matmul(mat_symp_conj(v), eta_vec)
ele%a%eta = eta_vec(1)
ele%a%etap = eta_vec(2)
ele%b%eta = eta_vec(3)
ele%b%etap = eta_vec(4)
ele%b%eta = eta_vec(3)
ele%b%etap = eta_vec(4)
ele%b%deta_ds = eta_vec(4) / rel_p - vec(4) / rel_p*2

end subroutine
54 changes: 24 additions & 30 deletions bmad/code/twiss_propagate1.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,14 +25,15 @@ subroutine twiss_propagate1 (ele1, ele2, err_flag)
type (ele_struct), target :: ele1, ele2
type (twiss_struct) twiss_a
type (lat_param_struct) param
type (coord_struct), pointer :: orb, orb_out
integer key2
type (coord_struct), pointer :: orb_in, orb_out

integer key2, geometry

real(rp) :: mat6(6,6)
real(rp) v_mat(4,4), v_inv_mat(4,4), det, mat2_a(2,2), mat2_b(2,2)
real(rp) big_M(2,2), small_m(2,2), big_N(2,2), small_n(2,2)
real(rp) c_conj_mat(2,2), E_inv_mat(2,2), F_inv_mat(2,2)
real(rp) mat2(2,2), eta1_vec(6), eta_vec(6), vec(6), dpz2_dpz1, rel_p1, rel_p2
real(rp) mat2(2,2), eta1_vec(6), eta_vec(6), vec(6), dpz2_dpz1, rel_p1, rel_p21, rel_p2
real(rp) det_factor, deriv_rel, gamma2_c, df

logical error
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +66,9 @@ subroutine twiss_propagate1 (ele1, ele2, err_flag)
if (error) return

geometry = open$
if (associated(ele1%branch)) geometry = ele1%branch%param%geometry

! init

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,20 +102,12 @@ subroutine twiss_propagate1 (ele1, ele2, err_flag)


orb => ele2%map_ref_orb_in
orb_in => ele2%map_ref_orb_in
orb_out => ele2%map_ref_orb_out
rel_p1 = 1 + orb%vec(6) ! reference energy
rel_p1 = 1 + orb_in%vec(6) ! Map reference momentum
rel_p2 = 1 + orb_out%vec(6)

mat6 = ele2%mat6
if (ele2%key /= e_gun$) then ! Energy change normalization is not applied to an e-gun
if (bmad_private%normalize_twiss) then
mat6(:, 2:6:2) = mat6(:, 2:6:2) * rel_p1
mat6(2:6:2, :) = mat6(2:6:2, :) / rel_p2
rel_p2 = rel_p2 / rel_p1
rel_p1 = 1

! det_factor is a renormalization factor to handle non-symplectic errors.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,34 +204,27 @@ subroutine twiss_propagate1 (ele1, ele2, err_flag)
! p_z2 is p_z at end of ele2 assuming p_z = 1 at end of ele1.
! This is just 1.0 (except for RF cavities).

eta1_vec = [ele1%x%eta, ele1%x%etap, ele1%y%eta, ele1%y%etap, ele1%z%eta, 1.0_rp]

! For a circular ring, defining the dependence of z on pz is problematical.
! With the RF off, z is not periodic so dz/dpz is dependent upon turn number.
! With the RF on, dz/dpz, along with the other dispersion components, is not well defined.
! This being the case, eta1_vec(5) is just treated as zero for an rfcavity.
! This being the case, eta1_vec(5) is just treated as zero for a closed branch

if (key2 == rfcavity$) eta1_vec(5) = 0
eta1_vec = [ele1%x%eta, ele1%x%etap, ele1%y%eta, ele1%y%etap, ele1%z%eta, 1.0_rp]
if (geometry == closed$) eta1_vec(5) = 0

! Must avoid 0/0 divide at zero reference momentum.
! If rel_p1 = 0 then total momentum is zero and orb%vec(2) and orb%vec(4) must be zero.
! If rel_p1 = 0 then total momentum is zero and orb_in%vec(2) and orb_in%vec(4) must be zero.

! Also for elements with a static electric field, pz should include the potential energy and so the
! mat6(6,:) terms should be all zero. However Bmad is not using proper canonical coords so the
! mat6(6,:) terms are forced to zero.

if (rel_p1 == 0) then
dpz2_dpz1 = dot_product(mat6(6,:), eta1_vec)
if (rel_p1 == 0 .or. key2 == rfcavity$ .or. key2 == lcavity$) then
dpz2_dpz1 = dot_product(mat6(6,:), eta1_vec)
if (key2 == rfcavity$ .or. key2 == lcavity$) then
dpz2_dpz1 = dot_product(mat6(6,:), eta1_vec)
dpz2_dpz1 = 1 / rel_p2
dpz2_dpz1 = rel_p1 / rel_p2


eta_vec(1:5) = matmul (mat6(1:5,:), eta1_vec) / dpz2_dpz1

ele2%x%eta = eta_vec(1)
Expand All @@ -246,9 +235,14 @@ subroutine twiss_propagate1 (ele1, ele2, err_flag)
ele2%y%etap = eta_vec(4)
ele2%y%deta_ds = eta_vec(4) / rel_p2 - orb_out%vec(4) / rel_p2**2

ele2%z%eta = eta_vec(5)
ele2%z%etap = ele1%z%etap * dpz2_dpz1
ele2%z%deta_ds = ele1%z%deta_ds * dpz2_dpz1
if (geometry == closed$) then
ele2%z%eta = 0
ele2%z%eta = eta_vec(5)

ele2%z%etap = 1
ele2%z%deta_ds = 1

call make_v_mats (ele2, v_mat, v_inv_mat)
eta_vec(1:4) = matmul (v_inv_mat, eta_vec(1:4))
Expand Down

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