A Rails application template used at Blueberry.
Install the gem:
$ gem install blueberry_rails
Then you can run
$ blueberry_rails newproject
Heroku review apps config
Translation Engine
Custom Erros
Twitter bootstrap
Devise model
--devise_model User
Blueberry Rails template contains following gems by default:
- Better Errors for better error pages
- dotenv for server-side configuration
- Devise for user authentication
- New Relic RPM for performance monitoring
- Mailcatcher for testing & viewing emails
- PostgreSQL driver (pg)
- slim for templates
- simple_form for better & easier forms
Testing related:
- Capybara for acceptance testing
- Guard for automatically running specs
- factory_bot as a fixtures replacement
- Rspec
- Do not secret token in the repo - load it via ENV variable
- Default Slim application layout
- Generates User model by default (via devise)
- Partial for displaying flash messages in the default layout
Based on suspenders gem by thoughtbot.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request