Restartable, persistent docker image for atlassian bamboo
Any feedback let me know - its all welcome!
Before running this docker image, please clone / download the repo, inlcuding the script files.
To build the local docker image for bamboo, run the following command:
Run the following command, replacing *** with your desired db password:
./ '***'
This will setup:
- Two containers:
- atlassian-bamboo-postgres - a container to store your bamboo db data
- atlassian-bamboo - the container containing the bamboo server
- Two Volumes:
- atlassian-bamboo-postgres-data - a volume for postgres directory /var/lib/postgresql/data
- atlassian-bamboo-home - a volume for bamboo application data
- A network:
- atlassian-bamboo-network - a bridge network for bamboo
Once setup, please use the following for DB connectivity:
- DB host: atlassian-bamboo-postgres
- DB user: bamboo
- DB database: bamboo
- DB password: ****
Once initialised and perhaps migrated, the docker container can then be run as a service. Included in the repo is the service for centos 7 based os's and to install run:
Running the command below will remove all trace of this docker image, services, containers, volumes and networks: