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Categorizing Product reviews in appropriate categories.

This solution enables us to classify the raw reviews into categories according to a pre-decided bucketing scheme.

The process is broadly divided into two steps:

Raw Reviews

⇓ 1

Entity Sentiment Table

⇓ 2

Final Output with Categories and Sub-Categories

  • Step 1: Making Use of GCP Natural Language API for Entity Sentiment Analysis and Sentiment Analysis.

    • Entity Sentiment Analysis gets entities and their corresponding salience score, sentiment score, and sentiment magnitude.
    • Sentiment Analysis gets the overall sentiment score of the reviews.
    • Uploading the resultant data to BigQuery.
  • Step 2: Determining the respective categories of each review.

    • Firstly, a general Level 1 dictionary is used to map the entities directly to their Level 1 Categories.
    • Second, a more general Level 2 dictionary is used along with the GloVe representation of words (100 dim). Closeness to cluster centroid of each category is used to determine the Level 1 category for remaining reviews.
    • A threshold is fixed based on the within-category deviation of distances of words in each cluster. The threshold metric can be min distance, max distance, standard deviation, or mean absolute deviation.
    • Next, for the reviews where no entities were detected, POS tagging is used to extract nouns, adjectives, and verbs from the review. A combined vector representation of the extracted words is used to determine the Category by again measuring the closeness.
    • Finally, Upload the resultant data to BigQuery Table.

Fields in Raw Reviews,

  • Review_ID: Unique Review ID
  • Comment: Review
  • View: Title / Description
  • Date: Date of Review
  • Platform: Platform, ex: Amazon, Flipkart, etc.
  • Product_Category: Type of Product, ex: fan, grinder, sewing machine, etc.

Fields in Sentiment Analysis Table,

  • Review_ID: Unique Review ID
  • Reviews: Review
  • Overall_Sentiment_Score: Overall sentiment score of review
  • Overall_Sentiment_Magnitude: Overall sentiment magnitude
  • View: Title / Description
  • Product_Category: Type of Product
  • Entity: Entity
  • Salience: Salience Score corresponding to entity
  • Sentiment_Score: Sentiment Score corresponding to entity
  • Sentiment_Magnitude: Sentiment Magnitude corresponding to entity

Fields in Final Output Table, (Individual tables are created for Each product type in Product_Category)

  • Review_ID: Unique Review ID
  • Reviews: Review
  • Overall_Sentiment_Score: Overall sentiment score of review
  • Overall_Sentiment_Magnitude: Overall sentiment magnitude
  • View: Title / Description
  • Product_Category: Type of Product
  • Entity: Entity
  • Salience: Salience Score corresponding to entity
  • Sentiment_Score: Sentiment Score corresponding to entity
  • Sentiment_Magnitude: Sentiment Magnitude corresponding to entity
  • Category: Level 1 Category estimated by the process.

This process makes us of a configuration file, a google sheet, sentiment_params.gsheet which is accessed and modified using Google Sheets API. link to g-sheet

  • Task ID: Unique task ID.
  • Client: Client / Project Name.
  • Flag: 1 to run, 0 to not run for a give Task ID.
  • File Type: File type of Mapping Sheet file.
  • Raw Reviews Key File: Credential Json File to access the project.
  • Raw Reviews Input: Raw Review table path.
  • Sentiment Analysis Key File: Credential Json File to access the project.
  • Sentiment Analysis Project ID: Project ID.
  • Sentiment Analysis Dataset: Dataset.
  • Sentiment Analysis Table: Table name.
  • NL API Key File: Key file to use for NL API.
  • Mapping Sheet: Mapping sheet ID.
  • Output Key File: Credential Json File to access the project.
  • Output Project ID: Project ID.
  • Output Dataset: Dataset.
  • Output Table Suffix: Output Table Suffix.
  • From Email: In case there is an error in uploading the files, an email is sent from this email id.
  • From Email Password: Password for From_Email.
  • To Email: In case there is an error in uploading the files, an email is sent to this email id.


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