A REST api for your HDMI CEC devices on port 5000. Runs this go application.
You will need to share /dev/vchiq
with the container:
docker run -d --name="hdmi-cec-rest" -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --device=/dev/vchiq blakeblackshear/rpi-hdmi-cec-rest:latest
I built this to allow Home Assistant to more easily talk to devices over HDMI CEC. The native component does not provide a way to check the status of a device. An example config looks like this, but may vary depending on your TV.
- platform: rest
name: TV
resource: http://localhost:5000/device/0/power
body_on: '{"state":"on"}'
body_off: '{"state":"off"}'
is_on_template: '{{ value_json.state == "starting" or value_json.state == "on" }}'