is a command line tool written in Python
It efficiently organizes whatever directory you'd like, skipping over pre-existing directories as well as hidden files and folders
creates a new folder called organized-files
and creates a folder for every file extension found within the path that you tell it to (See Pictures)
More information on how to install this program will be added later.
Usage: al [options] path
Al is a program that organizes a given directory by creating directories based on the file extensions found within the given path
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose show tree of the resulting organized folder
al ~/Downloads -v
└── organized-files
├── 1-files
│ └── makefile.1
├── asm-files
│ ├── age1(1).asm
│ ├── hello.asm
│ ├── mainFunc.asm
│ ├── stackExp.asm
│ └── sum(4).asm
├── bz2-files
│ └── valgrind-3.19.0.tar.bz2
├── dll-files
│ └── Sleepy.dll
├── docx-files
│ ├── Arithmetic Circuits Lab F2022(3).docx
│ ├── Assembly Project 1(2).docx
│ ├── CMSC 341 Project 1 Java version(3).docx
│ ├── CMSC 341 Project 2 F2022 Java version(4)(2).docx
│ ├── Final Exam Study Guide F21.docx
│ ├── First Assembly Program Lab.docx
│ ├── FirstProgram C Lab.docx
│ ├── GenericsLab_V3.docx
│ ├── Homework 0 - F2022(1).docx
│ ├── Homework 0 - F2022(2)(2).docx
│ ├── Homework 0 - F2022(2)(3).docx
│ ├── Homework 1 - F2022.docx
│ ├── Homework 2 Algorithms and Asymptotic AnalysisF22(1).docx
│ ├── Homework 3 Trees and Heaps.docx
│ ├── Homework 4 Hashing with LQ Collision(1).docx
│ ├── Homework 5 Graphs(1).docx
│ ├── Homework_5_Graphs.docx
│ ├── Letters to an Incoming Student - F2022.docx
│ ├── Makefile Lab.docx
│ ├── Makefiles(2).docx
│ ├── Midterm Study Guide(1).docx
│ ├── Mod 5 Indiv Lab Destructors Description(2).docx
│ ├── Module 5 Individual Lab description.docx
│ ├── Queue Group Lab(1).docx
│ ├── Schedule CMSC313 F2022(1).docx
│ ├── Schedule CMSC340 F2022(2).docx
│ ├── Schedule CMSC341 F2022 original(1).docx
│ ├── Sofware to access gl(2).docx
│ ├── Summary of topics FinalA(2).docx
│ ├── Summary of topics Midterm.docx
│ ├── Summary of topics midterm (Digital Logic First).docx
│ ├── Things you might need to change in the GPP testbank(1).docx
│ ├── UML_Project_2_Online_Shopping_Cart.docx
│ ├── Using rextester(2).docx
│ ├── Valgrind Lab.docx
│ ├── cmsc202_using_gl.docx
│ ├── software tools lab(1)(1).docx
│ └── ~$dterm Study Guide(1).docx
├── drawio-files
│ └── Untitled Diagram.drawio
├── duplicate-files
│ ├── CMSC 341 Project 2 F2022 Java version(4)(1).docx
│ ├── CMSC 341 Project 2 F2022 Java version(4)(3).docx
│ ├── CMSC 341 Project 2 F2022 Java version(4)(4).docx
│ ├── CMSC 341 Project 2 F2022 Java version(4).docx
│ ├── Cali Move Mobility.pdf
│ ├── Final Exam Study Guide F21(1).docx
│ ├── Group #2 Quine McCluskey Group Worksheet-1.pdf
│ ├── Homework 0 - F2022(2)(1).docx
│ ├── Homework 0 - F2022(2).docx
│ ├── Homework 5 Graphs.docx
│ ├── Lecture 2 - addressing, syscall(1)(1).ppsx
│ ├── Lecture 2 - addressing, syscall(1).ppsx
│ ├── Lecture 6 - multifiles, makefiles.ppsx
│ ├── Midterm Study Guide(1)(1).docx
│ ├── Midterm Study Guide(1)(2).docx
│ ├── Schedule CMSC340 F2022(2)(1).docx
│ ├── Schedule CMSC341 F2022 original(1)(1).docx
│ ├── Schedule CMSC341 F2022 original(1)(2).docx
│ ├── Sofware to access gl(1).docx
│ ├── Sofware to access gl.docx
│ ├── Things you might need to change in the GPP testbank(1)(1).docx
│ ├── X86 architecture, assembly, nasm(1)(1).ppsx
│ ├── X86 architecture, assembly, nasm(1).ppsx
│ ├── age1.asm
│ ├── software tools lab(1).docx
│ └── ~$sembly Project 2.docx
├── iso-files
│ ├── Win10_21H2_English_x32.iso
│ └── Win10_21H2_English_x64.iso
├── jar-files
│ └── JFLAP7.1.jar
├── java-files
│ └──
├── jpg-files
│ ├── 20221111192709279.jpg
│ ├── IMG_1809_Original.jpg
│ ├── IMG_1926.jpg
│ └── newpfp.jpg
├── mp4-files
│ └── QyEMgLa5KBAq55dg.mp4
├── no-extension-files
│ ├── 11j7w5nwq6f6rk6l2ejdqj4zejxvwcas
│ ├── makefile
│ └── makefile1
├── pdf-files
│ ├── 325383-sdm-vol-2abcd.pdf
│ ├── 331 Final Paper - 331 Final Paper.pdf
│ ├── 331 Final Paper.pdf
│ ├── 341 CMSC HW1.pdf
│ ├── Adobe_Scan_oct._26_2022.pdf
│ ├── Adobe_Scan_oct._26_2022_1.pdf
│ ├── Adobe_Scan_oct._26_2022_2.pdf
│ ├── Assembly Branches Group Worksheet GROUP 3B.pdf
│ ├── Branches Group Worksheet.pdf
│ ├── Copy of Binary Search Trees.pdf
│ ├── Copy of Module 1 Group Worksheet.pdf
│ ├── Copy of Module 2 Group Worksheet.pdf
│ ├── Copy of Module 5 Group Worksheet - Binary Trees Worksheet.pdf
│ ├── Copy of Module 7 Group Worksheet - AVL trees.pdf
│ ├── Episode-4.07-Transcript.pdf
│ ├── Group #2 Quine McCluskey Group Worksheet.pdf
│ ├── Homework 2.pdf
│ ├── Letter to an incoming student.pdf
│ ├── Linear Algebra and Its Applications 5th Edition.pdf
│ ├── On the importance of learning circuits and digital design as a computer science student.pdf
│ ├── Parsing Lab Week 7.pdf
│ ├── This I Believe Essay.pdf
│ ├── Valgrind Lab.pdf
│ ├── a-digital-design-course-sequence-for-the-computer-engineering-area-of-specialization-in-the-computer-science-department.pdf
│ ├── algebra-i-lecture-notes.pdf
│ ├── differential-geometry-lecture-notes.pdf
│ ├── european_space_agency_standards.pdf
│ └── pdfcoffee.com_cali-move-mobilitypdf-pdf-free.pdf
├── png-files
│ ├── 4-project-uml.drawio.png
│ ├── oliver-atom.png
│ └── q2_part1.png
├── ppsx-files
│ ├── Lecture 2 - addressing, syscall(1)(2).ppsx
│ ├── Lecture 3 - Branches Loops Selection c functions(1).ppsx
│ ├── Lecture 6 - multifiles, makefiles(1).ppsx
│ └── X86 architecture, assembly, nasm(1)(2).ppsx
├── pptx-files
│ ├── Lecture 12 - DecoderLab.pptx
│ ├── Lecture 12 - MuxLabA.pptx
│ └── Trees - when to use.pptx
├── txt-files
│ ├── chezmoi_2.28.0_checksums.txt
│ ├── message.txt
│ └── mytest.txt
├── uml-files
│ └── UMLTool.uml
└── zip-files
├── Automation Pokemon