Simple tool to trigger drone builds. Can be used for more advanced crons or in scripts.
Note: dronetrigger injects the variable DRONETRIGGER=true
into the steps.
Use this to determine if a build was triggered.
The configfile is either /etc/dronetrigger.yml
or supplied by -config
token: thisisnotavaliddronetoken1234567
octocat/test: s3cret_t0ken
represents the URL to a drone servertoken
is used to authentificate against droneweb.bearer_token.*
: sets up a per repo secret to trigger builds
Note: After adding new repos you need to sync the repositories, otherwise you may get 404 errors. Also make sure that the access rights are configured for the token.
DRONE_TOKEN="$token_from_etc_drontrigger_yml" drone repo sync
CLI examples:
# build default branch of a repo
dronetrigger -repo octocat/test
# build specific branch of a repo
dronetrigger -repo octocat/test -branch master
# rebuild a release
dronetigger -repo octocat/test -release
Web examples:
# rebuild last commit on a branch
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer s3cret_token' -d '{"repo": "octocat/test", "branch": "master"}' $url
# rebuild last tag
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer s3cret_token' -d '{"repo": "octocat/test", "release": true}' $url
# promote last commit on a branch
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer s3cret_token' -d '{"repo": "octocat/test", "branch": "master", "target": "promote-name"}' $url
# promote last tag
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer s3cret_token' -d '{"repo": "octocat/test", "release": true, "target": "promote-name"}' $url
$ dronetrigger -h
Usage of ./dronetrigger:
-config string
Configuration file. (default "/etc/dronetrigger.yml")
-branch string
Git rev (i.e. branch) to trigger build.
-repo string
Repository to build (i.e. octocat/awesome).