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Drone Tree Config

This is a Drone extension to support mono repositories with multiple .drone.yml.

The extension checks each changed file and looks for a .drone.yml in the directory of the file or any parent directory. Drone will either use the first .drone.yml that matches or optionally run all of them in a multi-machine build.

There is an official Docker image:


Currently supports

  • Github
  • Gitlab
  • Bitbucket #4


Environment variables

  • PLUGIN_CONCAT: Concats all found configs to a multi-machine build. Defaults to false.
  • PLUGIN_FALLBACK: Rebuild all .drone.yml if no changes where made. Defaults to false.
  • PLUGIN_ALWAYS_RUN_ALL: Always rebuild all .drone.yml. Useful when repository has a global dependency, like executing tests on all projects in repo before building individual artefacts. Defaults to false.
  • PLUGIN_MAXDEPTH: Max depth to search for .drone.yml, only active in fallback and always fallback modes or when pipeline was triggered by cron. Defaults to 2 (would still find /a/b/.drone.yml).
  • PLUGIN_DEBUG: Set this to true to enable debug messages.
  • PLUGIN_ADDRESS: Listen address for the plugins webserver. Defaults to :3000.
  • PLUGIN_SECRET: Shared secret with drone. You can generate the token using openssl rand -hex 16.
  • PLUGIN_ALLOW_LIST_FILE: (Optional) Path to regex pattern file. Matches the repo slug(s) against a list of regex patterns. Defaults to "", match everything.
  • PLUGIN_CACHE_TTL: (Optional) Cache entry time to live value. When defined and greater than 0s, enables in memory caching for request/response pairs.
  • PLUGIN_CONSIDER_FILE: (Optional) Consider file name. Only consider the .drone.yml files listed in this file. When defined, all enabled repos must contain a consider file.
  • PLUGIN_FINALIZE: Adds dependencies to all other pipelines to a user provider pipelined named finalize.

Backend specific options

  • SERVER: Custom SCM server (also used by Gitlab / Bitbucket)
  • GitHub:
    • GITHUB_TOKEN: Github personal access token. Only needs repo rights. See here.
  • GitLab:
    • GITLAB_TOKEN: Gitlab personal access token. Only needs read_repository rights. See here
  • Bitbucket
    • BITBUCKET_AUTH_SERVER: Custom auth server (uses SERVER if empty)
    • BITBUCKET_CLIENT: Credentials for Bitbucket access
    • BITBUCKET_SECRET: Credentials for Bitbucket access

If PLUGIN_CONCAT is not set, the first found .drone.yml will be used.

Example docker-compose

version: '2'
    image: drone/drone
      - 8000:80
      - /var/lib/drone:/data
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - drone-tree-config
    restart: always
      - DRONE_OPEN=true
      - DRONE_SERVER_PROTO=https
      - DRONE_GITHUB=true
      - DRONE_SECRET=***

      - DRONE_YAML_ENDPOINT=http://drone-tree-config:3000

    image: bitsbeats/drone-tree-config
      - PLUGIN_DEBUG=true
      - PLUGIN_CONCAT=true
      - PLUGIN_FALLBACK=true
    restart: always

Edit the Secrets (***), <SECRET> and <GITHUB_TOKEN> to your needs. <SECRET> is used between Drone and drone-tree-config.

Enable repos via regex matching

By default, this plugin matches against ALL repo slugs. If you want to enable the plugin for specific repos only, turn on regex matching by specifying a PLUGIN_ALLOW_LIST_FILE.

  • Regex match rules must comply with re2 syntax.
  • Each line is a single rule.
  • Empty lines are ignored.
  • Lines which start with # are treated as comments (ignored).

Updated docker-compose:

    image: bitsbeats/drone-tree-config
      - PLUGIN_DEBUG=true
      - PLUGIN_CONCAT=true
      - PLUGIN_FALLBACK=true
      - PLUGIN_ALLOW_LIST_FILE=/drone-tree-config-matchfile
    restart: always
      - /var/lib/drone/drone-tree-config-matchfile:/drone-tree-config-matchfile

File: drone-tree-config-matchfile:

  • Matches against all repos in the bitbeats org
  • Matches against myorg/myrepo

Consider file

If a PLUGIN_CONSIDER_FILE is defined, drone-tree-config will first read the content of the target file and will only consider the .drone.yml files specified, when matching.

Depending on the size and the complexity of the repository, using a "consider file" can significantly reduce the number of API calls made to the provider (github, bitbucket, other). The reduction in API calls reduces the risk of being rate limited and can result in less processing time for drone-tree-config.

Given the config;

   - PLUGIN_CONSIDER_FILE=.drone-consider

A local git repo clone;

$ tree -a my-repo-clone/
 ├── .drone-consier
 ├── foo
 │   └── .drone.yml
 ├── bar
 │   └── .drone.yml
 └── baz

Content of the .drone-consider to check in;

$ cat my-repo-clone/.drone-consider

The downside of a "consider file" is that it has to be kept in sync. As a suggestion, to help with this, a step can be added to each .drone.yml which verifies the "consider file" is in sync with the actual content of the repo. For example, this can be accomplished by comparing the output of find ./ -name .drone.yml with the content of the "consider file".


If a PLUGIN_CACHE_TTL is defined, drone-tree-config will leverage an in memory cache to match the inbound requests against ones that exist in the cache. When a match is found, the cached response is returned. Cached entries are expired and removed when their per-entry TTL is reached.

Example (expire after 30 minutes);


Depending on the size and the complexity of the repository, using a cache can significantly reduce the number of API calls made to the provider (github, bitbucket, other). The reduction in API calls reduces the risk of being rate limited and can result in less processing time for drone-tree-config.