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Catch bugs before they reach production — get detailed crash reports and monitor how your app is performing across the entire install base. When issues are detected we show you exactly what happened during the user session to locate, reproduce, and fix the problem as quickly as possible. Use Trace to:

  • Detect the problem: Know about issues before your users report them.
  • Assess the impact: Focus on resolving the issues which are most impactful to your users.
  • Trace the cause: Spend less time trying to reproduce issues.

Note: Following links requires you to be signed-in and have the Trace addon

* Trace * Trace configuration settings


  • Minimum SDK version is 21.
  • If using OkHttp in the application, it should have at least the version 3.11.0.
  • SDK uses AndroidX libraries, there could be issues when integrating it to an app with the deprecated Android support libraries.


Using the Bitrise Step

Use Add Trace SDK Android step to add the SDK to your project automatically: adds the required dependency (trace-sdk) and applies plugin (trace-gradle-plugin) if the project not already have them. The step must come before the given the Android application is built/assembled with Gradle.

Use the workflow editor or manually update the bitrise.yml.

Manually updating the bitrise.yml

Add the following step inside your bitrise.yml file if the step project is in your repo folder

- add-trace-sdk-android@0:
    title: Add Trace SDK to Android project

If you want so specify any optional input, you can add them. Example:

- add-trace-sdk-android@0:
    title: Add Trace SDK to Android project
    - gradle_options: "--debug"

If you are using GIT use the following:

- git::
    title: Add Trace SDK to the Android project

Adding manually the dependencies to your project

  1. Download the bitrise-addons-configuration.json file for your project. You can find it in the Trace addon (in your application's Bitrise app). In the "Welcome page" choose Android and select "Gradle", then you should check the content of "Download Config File" section.
  2. Put this file in the root of your project.
  3. In the root build.gradle file, locate the dependencies block inside the buildscript block, add the following:
classpath "io.bitrise.trace.plugin:trace-gradle-plugin:latestVersion"

Note, we’ve used latestVersion here as a placeholder, when you paste into Android Studio should highlight as a warning, and suggest you to use the current latest version e.g. 0.0.6. If in doubt please check for the latest released version. 2. In your application module build.gradle add the following after the other apply plugin's:

apply plugin: 'io.bitrise.trace.plugin'

Staying in the application module build.gradle add the following dependency:

implementation 'io.bitrise.trace:trace-sdk:latestVersion'

Note, we’ve used latestVersion here as a placeholder, when you paste into Android Studio it should highlight as a warning, and suggest you to use the current latest version e.g. 0.0.6. If in doubt please check for the latest released version. 4. Make sure you sync your project with the Gradle files. 5. The first time you run the application, the build will take several minutes longer than normal while the Trace SDK applies the plugin. 6. Check your logcat messages, Trace should now be working


You can customise some of the Trace sdk behaviour.

You will need to manually initialise the sdk, ideally in a your own Application classes onCreate function e.g.


You can then pass in an optional list of TraceOption objects. The following options can be added:

  • TraceOption.DebugMode - boolean - default set to false.
    • This puts the Trace sdk into a debug mode, which currently prints more debug messages into the log cat.
  • TraceOption.NetworkUrlConnectionTracing - boolean - default set to true.
    • This will disable any network tracing for UrlConnection events. This can be useful if you are experiencing any issues with third party libraries.

e.g. to initialise trace with the debug mode option:


Note: It is possible to add multiple of the same type of option to the list, however only the first object affects the behaviour of the sdk, any subsequent objects will be ignored.


Trace is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

Code quality


trace-android-sdk uses Checkstyle ( to adhere our coding standards. All included builds and subprojects use it, except 'opencensus', because that is a generated module.

Application builds will fail on the CI if there is an issue. The coding standards are based on Google's Java style guide (

To remove the most of the burden of formatting from the developers shoulders, please use the code formatter in Android Studio, trace-android-sdk has it's own formatter, you can find it in the following path 'trace-android-sdk/config/trace_code_formatter_v3.xml'.

To run Checkstyle on a given module, run 'checkStyle' task. To run it on a specific source set only, postfix the mentioned task with the source sets name (e.g. checkStyleMain). It is also possible to call the task on every affected module, there is an umbrella task in 'trace-android-sdk' named 'checkStyle'.


Test kit

Test kit is an internal product made for mobile developers in the Trace team to be able to test the behaviour of the SDK with a locally emulated service that mimics the backend.

Local properties

Some of the tests require having a valid trace token to send network requests, this is populated using an env var on bitrise. If you want to run the tests locally please ensure you have the following in your
