A infinite scroll script with complete customization. Both jQuery and Prototype flavours available.
- Relies heavily on events to communicate and integrate with your code.
- You must write a function to AJAX load and display the new content. (If you already have an AJAX load then a few quick mods and you are done!)
- You have to optionally implement
. - Set auto load next page height.
- Optional button to load more content where you can set the trigger height and force the button every x pages.
- Hides pagination after loading the content.
- Set maximum AJAX failures after which no more request are fired.
- Debug mode for develepment.
More docs, etc at: http://infinitecontent.bir.la
Prakhar Birla - pkrbirla [at] gmail
##Latest Release Notes##
version 0.1
Distributed under the BSD 3-clause license available in the LICENSE file.