Configurable teaching material for Orange and Orange-based workshops in latex.
Uses PDFLatex for compilation.
If image is placed incorrectly (i.e. doesn't align with text, flows out instead), use
\caption{$\;$} % empty caption for correct figure placement
to force the image to align properly. -
Figure is placed outside of the main text, has maximum width of 40mm. If larger, will overlap with body.
\begin{marginfigure} \centering \includegraphics[width=40mm]{distributions.png} \caption{$;$} \label{fig:distributions} \end{marginfigure}
Figure is placed outside of the main text. If larger than the width of sidenotes, figure will shrink the body of text, wrapping it around itself. The first parameter after {o} denotes the whitespace margin.
\begin{wrapfigure}{o}{0.6\textwidth} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{distributions.png} \caption{$;$} \end{wrapfigure}