A compilation of useful python scripts to create QM/MM CP2K inputfiles.
Author: Salomé Llabrés Prat, PhD
This repository contains the following scripts:
This script converts CP2K restart file to GROMACS files. It does so following these steps:
1 - Reads CP2K restart file. 2 - Generates a AMBER restart file. 3 - Convert AMBER (.prmtop and .inpcrd) to GROMACS format (.top and .gro) via parmed. 4 - Rewrites GROMACS coordinates to include velocities.
It requires the CP2K restart file and a basename to name the gromacs files. It needs parmed!
It outputs these files:
AMBER restart file: basename.inpcrd GROMACS topology: basename.top GROMACS coordinates: basename.gro GROMACS coordinates + velocities: basename.vel.gro
cp2krestart2gromacs [options] infile outfile
This script collects atom indexes outlined in the QM region and link atoms of a CP2K input file and writes a GROMACS NDX file for each QM region and for Link atoms.
cp2kinput2ndxformat.py [options] cp2kinputfile
Reads a PDB containing the QM region and writes the atom indexes in the CP2K input format.
python3 get_qm_kind [options] pdbfile