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This mdule creates AWS Network firewall resources, which includes:

  • Network Firewall
  • Network Firewall Policy
  • Network Firewall Stateless groups and rules
  • Network Firewall Stateful groups and rules
  • Use custom Suricata Rules
  • Use Managed Rules
  • Use “Strict, Drop Established” rule order
  • Use stateful rules instead of stateless rules
  • Use $HOME_NET


Deny domain access

module "firewall" {

  source = ""

  name        = "firewall"
  description = "AWS Network Firewall example"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-12345678910111213"

  subnet_mapping = {
    us-east-1a = "subnet-23456780101112131"
    us-east-1b = "subnet-13121110987654321"

  # Stateless rule groups
  stateless_rule_groups = {
    stateless-group-1 = {
      description = "Stateless rules"
      priority    = 1
      capacity    = 100
      # stateless-group-1 rules
      rules = [
          priority  = 2
          actions   = ["aws:drop"]
          protocols = [1]
          source = {
            address = ""
          destination = {
            address = ""
          priority = 10
          actions  = ["aws:forward_to_sfe"]
          source = {
            address = ""
          destination = {
            address = ""

  # Stateful rules
  stateful_rule_groups = {
    # rules_source_list examples
    stateful-group-1 = {
      description = "Stateful Inspection for denying access to domains"
      capacity    = 100
      #rule_variables = {}
      rules_source_list = {
        generated_rules_type = "DENYLIST"
        target_types         = ["TLS_SNI", "HTTP_HOST"]
        targets              = ["", ""]

You can check the complete example for other usages.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_networkfirewall_firewall.firewall resource
aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy.policy resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.stateful_rule_group resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.stateless_rule_group resource



Name Description Type Default Required
create_network_firewall Set to false if you just want to create the security policy, stateless and stateful rules bool true no
delete_protection A boolean flag indicating whether it is possible to delete the firewall. bool false no
description A friendly description of the firewall. string null no
enabled Change to false to avoid deploying AWS Network Firewall resources. bool true no
firewall_policy_change_protection A boolean flag indicating whether it is possible to change the associated firewall policy. bool false no
firewall_policy_name A friendly name of the firewall policy. string null no
name A friendly name of the firewall. string n/a yes
vpc_id The unique identifier of the VPC where AWS Network Firewall should create the firewall. string n/a yes
subnet_mapping Subnets map. Each subnet must belong to a different Availability Zone in the VPC. AWS Network Firewall creates a firewall endpoint in each subnet. map(any) n/a yes
stateless_default_actions Set of actions to take on a packet if it does not match any of the stateless rules in the policy. You must specify one of the standard actions including: aws:drop, aws:pass, or aws:forward_to_sf. list(any) ["aws:drop"] no
stateless_fragment_default_actions Set of actions to take on a fragmented packet if it does not match any of the stateless rules in the policy. list(any) ["aws:drop"] no
stateless_rule_groups Map of stateless rules groups, including custom actions. any {} no
stateful_rule_groups Map of stateful rules groups, including Suricata and AWS Managed Rules. any {} no
stateful_suricata_rule_groups Map of custom Suricata rules for stateful inspection. any {} no
managed_rule_groups Map of AWS Managed Rule Groups for stateful inspection. any {} no
rule_order The order in which stateless rules are evaluated: STRICT_ORDER or DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER. string "DEFAULT_ACTION_ORDER" no
stream_exception_policy Policy for handling stream exceptions: DROP, CONTINUE, or REJECT. string "DROP" no
home_net_cidr CIDR block to define the home network for the firewall rules. string n/a yes


Name Description
arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies the firewall.
id The ID that identifies the firewall.
network_firewall_policy The Firewall Network policy created.
network_firewall_stateful_group Map of stateful group rules.
network_firewall_stateless_group Map of stateless group rules.
network_firewall_status Nested list of information about the current status of the firewall.
network_firewall_suricata_rule_groups Map of Suricata rule groups for stateful inspection.
network_firewall_managed_rule_groups Map of AWS Managed Rule Groups for stateful inspection.