Releases: billybonks/broccoli-stylelint
Greener pastures
Upgrade dependencies, major version because of StyleLint and dropped node 8
Another Quick Fix
You may have received an error saying cannot get errored of undefined this was being cause by issues with stylelint ignore file.
i have released a quick patch to solve this problem.
Dirty Fixes
Ember-cli-stylelint was passing in absolute and relative paths depending on addon vs app this is a quick patch to solve the problem. ignore code should still be dealt with by stylelint and not this plugin.
All the languages are can!
Skipped 2.2.0 by grouping
Delight round 1
Start of a 2
Dropped node 4
Dropped deprecations
End of a 1
- use ^ for stylelint dep.
- formatter option of stylelint was ignored, it's now fixed.
- added factory function deprecated constructor.
- updated chalk
- updated eslint
Deprecate all the things
updated deprecations
After 2.0 the default test generator will be removed in favour of a standard one, To migrate specify the "testingFramework" option in 2.0 it will default to qunit
After 2.0 release "disableConsoleLogging" propety will be removed in favour of "log"
After 2.0 release if not tests are disabled, broccoli-stylelint will not return the original files
After 2.0 release "consoleLogger" propety will be removed in favour of stylelint formatter option
added new test generator #48
this will allow better features in 2.0 and simplify code