Here you will find some documents of mine:
1- An Introduction to Practical Electronics, Microcontrollers and Software Design Is the book I wrote for teaching secondary school students at Mt Roskill Grammar School in Auckland, New Zealand It is about introductory electronics with a focus on practial aspects. It goes into building, interfacing and programming Atmel AVR microcontrollers. The programmng language used is BASIC and the tool used is the AVR BASIC cross-compiler from
2 - ELECTENG101 - course notes for a first year course in EEE, I taught half of this course.
3 - COMPSYS201 - course notes for a second year course on computer systems - I taught the second part of the course - a 6 week block on embedded systems
4 - ME Thesis
5 - PhD Thesis
Enjoy please feel free to drop me a line if you find these interesting