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This repository contains my dotfiles. Feel free to fork and customize to fit your needs.

Inside folders such as vim, or terminal, there are more READMEs and screenshots. I have also added descriptive comments where I felt like they were needed.

I use openSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE. My preferred editor is Neovim and my terminal emulator is kitty, inside which I usually run tmux. I use this setup for coding. The settings will be mostly useful for writing code and navigating the system in the terminal.



There's no install/bootstrap script since I don't think that's how dotfiles should be used (and I don't switch computers often). My personal setup is to symlink the files in this repo to my home directory (i.e: ln -s <dotfiles-repo>/terminal/bashrc ~/.bashrc).


Most of the tweaks happen in Vim and the terminal.

Utilities and tools

  • LSD - ls command with more features
  • Bat - a cat clone with wings
  • Bash-completion - completions for bash commands
  • z - track and jump to recent folders easily
  • htop - terminal task manager
  • NeoVim - vim fork
  • tmux - terminal multiplexer
  • sdcv - terminal dictionary
  • delta - git diff viewer
  • nnn - file manager for terminal
  • dust - du alternative
  • hexyl - hex viewer
  • tuxi - do quick web searches from the terminal
  • newsboat - terminal RSS/Atom feed reader
  • gcalcli - Google Calendar CLI client
  • fd - alternative to find
  • ripgrep - search directories for a regex pattern
  • zathura - document viewer

Distros I have tried and liked, from oldest to latest:

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Debian 7
  • Crunchbangplusplus
  • Linux Mint 19 Tara
  • Arch Linux