This project is officially supported on Ubuntu 14.04. Other Linux distributions may be able to run this sample.
Refer to the Assistant SDK documentation for more information.
- Remove previously installed Protobuf/gRPC/related packages and files. If you have not setup before, you can skip this step:
sudo apt-get purge libc-ares-dev #
sudo apt-get purge libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/grpc_* /usr/local/bin/protoc \
/usr/local/include/google/protobuf/ /usr/local/include/grpc/ /usr/local/include/grpc++/ \
/usr/local/lib/libproto* /usr/local/lib/libgpr* /usr/local/lib/libgrpc* \
/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/protobuf* /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/grpc* \
- Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool build-essential curl unzip
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev # For ALSA sound output
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev # CURL development library
- Build Protocol Buffer, gRPC and Google APIs
git clone -b $(curl -L
cd grpc/
git submodule update --init
cd third_party/protobuf
./ && ./configure && make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ../../
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ../
git clone
cd googleapis/
make LANGUAGE=cpp
- Make sure you setup env variable
export GOOGLEAPIS_GENS_PATH=`pwd`/gens
- Clone and build assistant-grpc
cd ../
git clone
cd assistant-sdk-cpp/
make run_assistant
- Get credentials file. It can be either an end-user's credentials, or a service account's credentials.
For end-user's credentials:
- Download the client secret json file from Google Cloud Platform Console following these instructions
- Move it in this folder and rename it to
- run
in this folder. It will create the filecredentials.json
For service account's credentials in Google Cloud Platform Console:
- Open API Manager -> Credentials
- Click Create credentials -> Service account key. Choose key type JSON, and click Create
- The service account's credentials JSON file will be downloaded. Notice that this JSON file can only be downloaded once, so keep it for future reference.
- Start
./run_assistant --audio_input ./resources/switch_to_channel_5.raw --credentials_file ./credentials.json --credentials_type USER_ACCOUNT
./run_assistant --audio_input ./resources/weather_in_mountain_view.raw --credentials_file <YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON> --credentials_type SERVICE_ACCOUNT
# On Linux workstation, you can also use ALSA audio input:
./run_assistant --audio_input ALSA_INPUT --credentials_file ./credentials.json --credentials_type USER_ACCOUNT
Default Assistant gRPC API endpoint is If you want to test with a custom Assistant gRPC API endpoint, you can pass an extra "--api_endpoint CUSTOM_API_ENDPOINT" to run_assistant.