A centralized Bibbox that runs as web-pages.
This project a provides library self-service from a website. It consists of the following parts:
- A frontend that exposes the library functions available to the user (React).
- An administration interface (for configuring machines) and website provider for the frontend (Symfony/PHP).
- An engine that handles communication between the frontend and FBS (Fælles bibliotekssystem) and handles state for each machine (Node.js).
A user can load a machine by a unique URL that is tied to a machine configuration.
The frontend communicates with the engine through a web socket. The machine state flows from the engine to the frontend. The frontend reflects the given machine state. User actions passes from the frontend to the engine. The engine then changes the machines state and sends it back to the frontend.
- Node.js 14.x
- Symfony 5.x
- PHP 7.4
- React 16.x
A docker based development setup is provided with the project. So first step is to start the docker compose stack to install the required PHP and NodeJs packages, set configuration files and then restart the stack to make it work corretly.
docker-compose up --detach
We start by getting engine dependencies and set it's basic configuration.
Copy engine configuration files:
cp engine/example_config.json engine/config.json
@TODO: Note that the config.json contains FBS configuration at this point, but will later version be loaded from the Symfony administration backend as box configuration. So this is an hack for now.
Install dependencies for the engine.
docker compose run engine bash -c './scripts/install.sh --also=dev'
For the system to work, create a .env.local
file and replace the environment variables from the .env
CLIENT_ID=APP_CLIENT_ID # Client id assigned by authorizer
CLIENT_SECRET=APP_CLIENT_SECRET # Client password assigned by authorizer
REDIRECT_URI=APP_REDIRECT_URI # Redirect URI registered at identity provider
CLI_REDIRECT=APP_CLI_REDIRECT_URI # Redirect route for CLI login
Install the frontend react dependencies.
docker-compose run frontend bash -c 'npm install'
Install composer packages.
docker-compose exec phpfpm composer install
Install database schema for Symfony using migrations, run
docker-compose exec phpfpm bash -c 'bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate'
To populate the database with meaningful test data run the doctrine fixtures
docker-compose exec phpfpm bash -c 'bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load'
To create a test user run
docker-compose exec phpfpm bash -c 'bin/console app:user:create [email protected] --password=admin'
Now that we have installed all the dependencies need by the frontend and engine, we need to restart the docker container to ensure that everything gets loaded, run
docker-compose restart engine
To get a running frontend you need to first goto the administration interface and setup a box configuration. Start by adding an SIP2 user, then a school an lastly a bibbox box configuration where you select the other two.
Get url for the administration:
open http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)/admin
Before logging into the box configuration administrative interface, create an administrative user:
docker-compose exec phpfpm bash -c 'bin/console app:user:create [email protected] --password=admin'
Next access the React frontend where x
below is the id of the configuration entity you just created in the administrative interface.
open http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)?id=x
To test locally see "Bibselv OpenIDConnect" credentials in 1Password.
Login flow is as follows: Box frontend -> Symfony (route: box_ad_login) -> Azure -> Symfony (route: box_ad_redirect_uri) -> Box frontend (calls config w. state)
Receives the box id uniqueId
and the boxState
to indicate if the box entered "check out" or "status". Then adds this to the Azure AD login url as openid state, before redirecting to Azure.
Receives the redirect back from Azure after login, validates the credentials and gets username and type. Gets box id and box state from openid connect state and caches it all as a AdLoginState
keyed by the box id. Then redirects to the box URL.
Endpoint for the individual box. Loads the box. Then the box calls the config box config endpoint.
Endpoint for box configuration. If there is a cached AdLoginState
object it loads this and includes it in the config as adLoginState
. If no state is cached adLoginState
is set to null
"id": 25,
"hasPrinter": true,
"reservedMaterialInstruction": "Dolor est ut ea natus iusto deserunt inventore.",
"otherPermanentLocationInstruction": "Deserunt inventore.",
"inactivityTimeOut": 360000,
"soundEnabled": false,
"school": {
"name": "Beder Skole"
"loginMethod": "azure_ad_login",
"adLoginState": {
"state": "checkoutitems",
"accountType": "student",
"userName": "test1234"
"hasTouch": false,
"hasKeyboard": false,
"sip2User": {
"username": "test_test",
"password": "12345678",
"agencyId": "DK-718680",
"location": "Kalvehave"
"defaultPassword": "0000",
"debugEnabled": false,
"defaultLanguageCode": "da",
"hasFrontpageCheckIn": true
@TODO Needs to be implemented in https://github.com/itk-dev/openid-connect to support the BoxAdLogoutController
@TODO We need to decide how and when to expose errors from Azure to the end user.
Loads the config and enters flow based on exposed state.
The engine uses logstash to log messages, and these can be seen in the docker setup with the following command.
idc logs -f logstash
Which will show lines as json objects eg.
{"@version":"1","level":"info","name":"Unknown","message":"Listening on port 3000","@timestamp":"2020-09-15T09:20:11.838Z","type":"server","location":"Unknown"}
When PRs are created towards the develop branch all coding styles are checked by Github Actions.
To check for coding standards, run the following:
docker-compose run frontend bash -c 'npm run check-coding-standards'
To automatically apply coding standards, run:
docker-compose run frontend bash -c 'npm run apply-coding-standards'
The same commands apply as frontend, be should be run from the engine/
docker compose exec phpfpm composer coding-standards-check
docker compose exec phpfpm composer coding-standards-apply
All tests runs with Github Actions for each PR to develop.
The frontend is component tested with Cypress.
docker compose run --rm cypress run --component
To run outside docker:
# Open mode
npm run cypress:open
# cli
npm run cypress:run
Engine tests runs with mocha from the engine/
directory. The tests that
call FBS are mocked with nock recordings (see the test/fixtures
docker compose exec engine bash -c 'npm test'
@TODO: Setup tests for the Symfony/PHP code.
To install and build please run the ../scripts/deploy.sh
script on the prod
and give the tag to deply as argument to the script.
../scripts/deploy.sh <git tag>
The React front end used formatJS to handle translations.
To extract new strings in json.
docker compose exec frontend bash -c "npm run extract -- 'assets/**/*.js*' --out-file public/lang/en.json --id-interpolation-pattern '[sha512:contenthash:base64:6]'"
Make a copy of this file into a new JSON file (public/lang/.json) and change the strings into your language and compile the json file with the following command (substitute with your language code):
docker compose exec frontend bash -c "npm run compile -- public/lang/<LANGCODE>.json --ast --out-file public/lang/<LANGCODE>-comp.json"
docker compose exec frontend bash -c "npm run compile -- public/lang/da.json --ast --out-file public/lang/da-comp.json"
docker compose exec frontend bash -c "npm run compile -- public/lang/en.json --ast --out-file public/lang/en-comp.json"
To add the new language, edit assets/js/app.js
and locate the
function and add your translation. Next edit
and your language. Re-compile the frontend
and add the new language. You are now ready to use the new language.