Analysis scripts for Wits-Stanford shotgun microbiome data.
To generate all figures from the manuscript, please follow these steps:
Clone this repo
Access phenotype and medication data from EGA under dataset ID EGAD00001006581. You can submit an access request to the H3Africa Data Access Committee at
to point to the locations of the EGA phenotype and medication data and run this script to create the required RData file -
Install all required packages and run R scripts in
, andnanopore/scripts
e.g. from the command line:
find scripts/figures -name "*.R" | xargs -I foo Rscript foo
Required packages for figures:
- DESeq2
- Maaslin2
- RColorBrewer
- cowplot
- dplyr
- genefilter
- ggplot2
- ggpubr
- ggrepel
- gplots
- gtools
- harrietr
- here
- metagenomeSeq
- reshape2
- scales
- tidyverse
- vegan
Optional packages to reproduce map figure from Supplementary Information (scripts/figures/supplementary/supp_info_map.R
- ggspatial
- maps
- rgeos
- rnaturalearth
- rnaturalearthdata
- sf