Public source code release of Sentinel.
The core Sentinel code is in src, unit tests in test. Scripts that process and compare results are located in the main directory.
We tested Sentinel with PostgreSQL 9.6.13. Other versions of PostgreSQL will work, but you may need to modify the integration points somewhat (See the changes we made in pg_diff.diff). will download PostgreSQL 9.6.13 and apply the integration patch (pg_diff.diff). It will also install Sentinel. The default installation directories for Sentinel and PostgreSQL libraries are /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include.
After running this script, you can just run PostgreSQL as normal. The default config we used is here.
As many PostgreSQL events are captured by DTrace probes, we have also provided the probes.h file we used to integrate them with Sentinel. After building PostgreSQL once, overwrite their probes.h file with the one we've provided and rebuild PostgreSQL to capture these events.
After you run an experiment against PostgreSQL, shut it down (/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D ... stop). Once PostgreSQL stops, Sentinel will dump all of its tracing to /tmp.
From /tmp, run to combine the reservoirs of transition times. Afterward, use to create SQL statements of data from the experiment. Load the SQL data into a PostgreSQL database and then use to determine the differences in behaviour between experiments.
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D pg_tpcw_50g/ -l pg_tpcw_50g/pg.log stop
$ cd /tmp
$ ls *out
$ python3 path_to_merge_files/ .
$ cd path_to_scripts
$ python3 > out_lines.txt
$ python3 0 > sql_stmts.0.sql # experiment ID 0
# Before the next line, create sentdb on the dbhost you want.
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -h dbhost -U postgres sentdb < sent_schema.sql
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -h dbhost -U postgres sentdb < sql_stmts.0.sql # Load in results from experiment 0.
# Repeat the above process to for other workloads/configs you want to compare.
$ python3 -r dbhost -d sentdb -u postgres 0 1 # Compare behaviour from experiments 0 and 1.
A behavioural comparison using looks like this:
Aggregate Difference: 3.7153566997614763e-09
Top 10 Event Probability Differences:
Ratio Left Prob Right Prob Location
4.465029 0.000000 0.000000 xlog.c:8490
4.465029 0.000000 0.000000 xlog.c:8711
4.465029 0.000000 0.000000 slot.c:883
4.465029 0.000000 0.000000 xlog.c:3729
3.606370 0.000000 0.000000 slru.c:1389
2.426262 0.000000 0.000000 xlog.c:3875
2.060783 0.000000 0.000000 slru.c:1244
1.227370 0.000027 0.000033 md.c:816
1.227370 0.000027 0.000033 bufmgr.c:2778
1.227370 0.000027 0.000033 md.c:839
Top 10 Event Transition Differences:
Ratio Left Prob Right Prob Transition
7.499999999999997 0.0666666666666667 0.5 xlog.c:3875 -> slru.c:1389
7.317650312705967 1.16552425863916e-06 8.52889895569724e-06 postgres.c:1494 -> bufmgr.c:726
5.037070592676494 5.99556328317045e-05 0.000302000755001888 bufmgr.c:2778 -> xlog.c:3729
4.33333333333333 0.333333333333333 0.0769230769230769 xlog.c:8711 -> xlog.c:8095
4.33333333333333 0.333333333333333 0.0769230769230769 xlog.c:8711 -> ipc.c:229
4.33333333333333 0.333333333333333 0.0769230769230769 slot.c:883 -> xlog.c:3729
2.888888888888887 0.666666666666667 0.230769230769231 xlog.c:3729 -> slru.c:1389
2.800000000000002 0.933333333333333 0.333333333333333 xlog.c:3875 -> xlog.c:3875
2.538461538461541 0.333333333333333 0.846153846153846 xlog.c:8711 -> xlog.c:8490
2.4561403508771935 0.15 0.368421052631579 postmaster.c:3553 -> postmaster.c:3553
Top EMD Differences:
(29529.10745678152, 'bufmgr.c', '2778', 'bufmgr.c', '2698')
(27719.987192121614, 'lock.c', '1024', 'lock.c', '1033')
(3561.049653981198, 'postgres.c', '2471', 'xact.c', '2088')
(2099.5328726746047, 'md.c', '740', 'md.c', '763')
(82.912571578159, 'xact.c', '2088', 'postgres.c', '1236')
(62.85870998029976, 'tuplesort.c', '1173', 'pquery.c', '724')
(34.399446900000044, 'bufmgr.c', '726', 'bufmgr.c', '963')
(21.700570422398968, 'bufmgr.c', '774', 'postgres.c', '844')
(20.7163880985649, 'bufmgr.c', '774', 'bufmgr.c', '726')
(8.37500384115645, 'postgres.c', '2471', 'postgres.c', '1236')
Aggregate difference is a single score that indicates "how different" the two experiment's behaviour was. Ratio indicates the ratio difference in event frequency/transition probability while EMD differences are the total earth-mover's distance in CDFs built for a particular transition across two experiments. The Left Prob is the probability from the first experiment ID you specify on the command line (here 0), Right Prob is the value for the second experiment ID (here 1). Each category reports the top differences. Normally, each line is also highlighted red or blue indicating whether the second experiment had a greater value (Red = Right is the mnemonic), or the first (i.e., left) did (Blue colour).
As an example, the above results come from comparing a 5 minute TPC-W experiment with checkpoint timeout set to 5 minutes vs. checkpoint interval set to 30 seconds. The top event frequency difference is on xlog.c:8490. Consulting the PostgreSQL source code shows that this line corresponds to checkpoint start. The other top messages also relate to WAL checkpointing.
The web-based UI is built on a tempate that has a restrictive license, so I cannot distribute it. However, I can provide Javascript snippets that we developed to render the graphs or figures shown in our demo upon request.
If there is other code not shown here that would help you, or you are having trouble setting up Sentinel, please send me an email!