Do you have a Leica Q or Leica Q2 and use the crop mode, but the crop is not recognized by Capture One? This script solves this issue.
- A recent version of Capture One MacOS (unfortunatelly, the Windows version does not allow scripting)
- ExifTool (see below for installation)
First, you need to install ExifTool. The easiest method is to use Homebrew. In a terminal, type (copied from the Homebrew documentation):
# Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install ExifTool
brew install exiftool
Then, copy the script into the Capture One scripting folder:
- Download the file Crop from EXIF.applescript
- In Capture one, go to menu Scripts > Open Scripts Folder
- Copy the downloaded file in that directory (which is "~/Library/Scripts/Capture One Scripts/")
- Go back to Capture One, choose menu Scripts > Update Scripts Menu
- Done!
Note: if you have a different version of Capture One than the 12, open the script and replace the string "Capture One 12" by "Capture One xx", where xx is your version.
In Capture One, select all images you want to apply the EXIF crop to. Then choose menu Scripts > Crop from EXIF Note: don't apply it multiple times, as it will crop proportionnaly to the existing crop.