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Repository for a simple web application.


Jenkins is running on:

Webapp with Docker

  1. Build the image

    docker build -t webapp:1.0 .
  2. Run webapp in local

    Make sure you have MySQL database set uo in your local. You will need to pass in your MySQL port, schema, username and password

    docker run -it \
        -e MYSQL_DB_HOST=host.docker.internal \
        -e MYSQL_DB_PORT=3306 \
        -e MYSQL_DB_NAME=csye7125 \
        -e MYSQL_DB_USERNAME=user \
        -e MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD=password \
        -p 8080:8080 \

Webapp with KinD - local k8s

  1. Create kind cluster

    kind create cluster CLUSTER_NAME
    kind create cluster local
  2. Build the image

    docker build -t IMAGE_NAME:TAG .
    docker build -t webapp:1.0 .
  3. Push image to Docker Hub

    Make sure you login with your docker hub account

    You can check the Docker Desktop, or login using following command:

    docker login --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD

    Push image to docker hub

    docker tag webapp:1.0 bboysticker/webapp:1.0
    docker push bboysticker/webapp:1.0
  4. Change values in config-map.yml and secret.yml

    Note: for secret.yml, you need to provide base64 encoded string

    echo -n "INPUT_STRING" | base64
  5. Create docker-registry secret

    kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-hub \
        --docker-username=USERNAME \
        --docker-password=PASSWORD \
  6. Create K8s Objects

    kubectl apply -f deploy/config-map.yml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/sceret.yml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/pod.yml
  7. Port-forward

    kubectl port-forward pod/POD_NAME LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT
    kubectl port-forward pod/webapp 8080:8080

User Stories

  1. All API request/response payloads should be in JSON.

  2. No UI should be implemented for the application.

  3. As a user, I expect all APIs call to return with proper HTTP status code.

  4. Your web application must only support Token-Based authentication and not Session Authentication.

  5. As a user, I must provide basic authentication token when making a API call to protected/authenticated endpoint.

  6. Create a new user

    1. As a user, I want to create an account by providing following information.
      1. Email Address (username)
      2. Password
      3. First Name
      4. Last Name
    2. account_created field for the user should be set to current time when user creation is successful.
    3. User should not be able to set values for account_created and account_updated. Any value provided for these fields must be ignored.
    4. Password field should never be returned in the response payload.
    5. As a user, I expect to use my email address as my username.
    6. Application must return 400 Bad Request HTTP response code when a user account with the email address already exists.
    7. As a user, I expect my password to be stored securely using BCrypt password hashing scheme with salt.
  7. Update user information

    1. As a user, I want to update my account information. I should only be allowed to update following fields.
      1. First Name
      2. Last Name
      3. Password
    2. Attempt to update any other field should return 400 Bad Request HTTP response code.
    3. account_updated field for the user should be updated when user update is successful.
    4. A user can only update their own account information.
  8. Get user information

    1. As a user, I want to get my account information. Response payload should return all fields for the user except for password.
  9. All configuration data for the web application should be passed through environment configuration.

    1. Sensitive configuration information must be passed using Secrets and non-sensitive configuration information should be provided using ConfigMap.
  10. Create a top level directory called deploy and store all of you Kubernetes manifests in it.


Repository for WebApp






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