This repo contains my notes on work with Go and computer systems
Language Specification
- Variables: Zero value concept | Initialization | Const
- Constant: Initialization | iota
- Conversions: Conversion
Struct: Declare_Initialize | Name And Anonymous type Field | Field Function| Iterate Field Name And Value | Selector and Promoted | Method Set
Function: Initialization | argument | multiple returns | named return
Data Structures
- Enum: Enum
- Array: CPU Cache | TLB | Initialization | Iteration | Type array | Contiguous memory allocation
- Slice: Initialization | Length vs Capacity | Reference Type | Appending | Slice of Slice | Map | Reduce | Filter | Include | All|Any
- Map: Initialization | Iteration | Deleting | Finding | Restriction
- Channel: Declare | Iteration | Exit | send statements |receive operations
- Method:
- Interface:
- Embedding:
- Exporting:
Dependency management Go Modules
Error Handling
Concurrency LearnConcurrency
Diagnostics Profiling
- Diagnostics Diagnostics
- Profiling code
- Stack Trace: Review
- GoLand Debug: GoLand Debug | blog
- Testing:
- Fuzzing
Design Pattern Design Patterns | javatpoint
- Creational
- Simple Factory: wiki | code | best practices
- *Abstract factory: wiki | code | best practices
- *Builder: wiki | code1 | code2 | best practices orm query build | best practices es query build
- Factory method: wiki | code | best practices
- *Object Pool Pattern: wiki | code | best practices bilibili redis pool
- *Prototype: wiki | code | best practices
- *Singleton: wiki | code | best practices
- Structual
- Adapter: wiki | code | best practices
- *Bridge: wiki | code | best practices
- Composite: wiki | code | best practices
- *Decorator: wiki | code | best practices
- Facade: wiki | code | best practices
- Flyweight: todowiki | code | best practices
- Proxy (network proxy): wiki | code | best practices
- Behavioral
- *Chain of responsibility: wiki | code | best practices
- Command: todo wiki | code | best practices
- *Interpreter: todowiki | code | best practices
- *Iterator: wiki | code | best practices
- Mediator: todowiki | code | best practices
- Memento: todowiki | code | best practices
- Observer: todowiki | code | best practices
- State: todowiki | code | best practices
- *Strategy: wiki | code | best practices
- Template method : todowiki | code | best practices
- Visitor: todowiki | code | best practices
- Composition:
- Conversion:
- Data Structures
- Graph algorithms
- Searching:
- shortest path:
- Sorting:
- Maths algorithms
- Binary GCD algorithm | (wiki)
- Closest pairs | (wiki)
- FastPower | (wiki)
- Fibonacci | (wiki)
- Fisher-Yates Shuffle-yates | (wiki)
- Erastothenes Sieve | (wiki)
- Extented GCD algorithm | (wiki)
- Karatsuba's Multiplication | (wiki)
- Newton's Squarenewton-sqrt | (wiki)
- Permutations Count
- Strassen's matrixstrassen | (wiki)
- Sorting algorithms
- Searching algorithms
Awesome Go
- When is
called?It was called according the consuming sequence of stack. That is to say, the first
clause will be invoked as the last. defer
which is run first?First
, thenpanic
.- Difference between
function, it returns pointer. It is used when initiate struct.Make
is mostly used when initiate slice, map and channel. - Can
receive pointer as parameter?No.
- go run order,
- Can global variable declared with short declaration?
- Difference between passing value and passing pointer as parameter of function?
When passing value, it will create a new copy. For pointer, it will pass the value itself.
str := "hello", str[1] = 'a'
Is the string gonna modified?No. Because the string is a constant.
- Can we assign nil to
?No. But we can assign nil to
- If
is executed by sequence?No.
- If two slice object can be compared with
- Is there a difference between new() and “regular” allocation?
No. &Vector{} , new(Vector) is the same, one thing to note: new() is the only way to get a pointer to an unnamed integer or other basic type. You can write "p := new(int)" but you can't write "p := &int{0}".
- When is