Code and supporting files for the TechDays 2017 session of @rickvdbosch "Going Serverless (2/2): Hands-on with Azure Event Grid"
The slides can be found @
The list of To-Do's:
- Enable Blob Storage events - Preview
az feature register --name storageEventSubscriptions --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid
- Create a Storage account westcentralus only, blobstorage only
az storage account create --name <NAME_OF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT> --location westcentralus --resource-group <NAME_OF_RESOURCEGROUP> --sku Standard_LRS --kind storage
- Check approval status
az feature show --name storageEventSubscriptions --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid --query properties.state
Configuring the Logic App to trigger on an Event Grid event requires information like
- Resource type (custom, Microsoft.Storage)
- Resource name (custom, use
- Prefix filter (optional, use /blobServices/default/containers/mycontainer/) to filter to the mycontainer container
Please keep RequestBin in mind, the website that shows all requests you send to your temporary URL.
- Create an Event Grid Subscription (WebHook)
- Configure the endpoint URL in the WebHook subscription
- Upload or delete a Blob in your Blob Storage
- Refresh the Requestbin and seen what happened :)
- Create a Resource Group
az group create --name <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --location westcentralus
- Create a custom topic
az eventgrid topic create --name <TOPIC_NAME> -l westcentralus -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME>
- Create a message endpoint (like Requestbin!) - Subscribe to a topic
az eventgrid topic event-subscription create --name <SUBSCRIPTION_NAME> --endpoint <REQUESTBIN_URL> -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --topic-name <TOPIC_NAME>
- Send an event to your topic
endpoint=$(az eventgrid topic show --name <TOPIC_NAME> -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --query "endpoint" --output tsv)
key=$(az eventgrid topic key list --name <TOPIC_NAME> -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --query "key1" --output tsv)
body=$(eval echo "'$(curl'")
curl -X POST -H "aeg-sas-key: $key" -d "$body" $endpoint
- Clean up resources
az group delete --name <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME>