Laravel 5-5 example is a tutorial application.
- type
git clone projectname
to clone the repository - type
cd projectname
- type
composer install
- type
composer update
- copy .env.example to .env
- type
php artisan key:generate
to generate secure key in .env file - if you use MySQL in .env file :
- if you use sqlite :
- type
touch database/database.sqlite
to create the file
- type
- type
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bestmomo\LaravelEmailConfirmation\ServiceProvider" --tag="confirmation:migrations"
to publish email confirmation migration - type
php artisan migrate --seed
to create and populate tables - edit .env for emails configuration
- Styleshout for front template
- CKEditor the great editor
- Elfinder the nice file manager
- Sweet Alert for the cool alerts
- AdminLTE the great admin template
- Gravatar the Gravatar package
- Intervention Image for image manipulation
- Email confirmation the package for email confirmation
- Artisan language the package for language strings management
- Laravel debugbar
- Etrepat baum for comments management
- Home page
- Custom error pages 403, 404 and 503
- Authentication (registration, login, logout, password reset, mail confirmation, throttle)
- Users roles : administrator (all access), redactor (create and edit post, upload and use medias in personnal directory), and user (create comment in blog)
- Blog with nested comments
- Search in posts
- Tags on posts
- Contact us page
- Admin dashboard with users, posts, articles, medias, settings, notifications and comments
- Multi users medias gestion
- Localization (English, French and Chinese)
- Application tests
- Thumbs creation for images
- Notifications to send emails and notify redactors for new comments
To use application the database is seeding with users :
- Administrator : email = [email protected], password = admin
- Redactor : email = [email protected], password = redac
- User : email = [email protected], password = walker
- User : email = [email protected], password = slacker
When you want to launch the tests refresh and populate the database :
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
You must have default settings and en language. You must also add provider in config/app.php.
You can then use Dusk.
This example for Laravel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license