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A simple static web page with links to predefined addresses. It uses pure HTML/CSS/JavaScript without frameworks and without the need to use any server. The intended use is as a custom home page.


Only the index.html, index.css, index.js and index.json or index.json.js files are required for the HomeBox to function properly. The files can be placed on almost any web server that allows static files (all common servers). If you use index.json.js, you can also open the pages locally (i.e., file:// location).

index.json vs. index.json.js

The data stored in the index.json file contains the JSON formatted information needed to display the page. The individual variables are listed in a separate section. The index.json.js file is analogous to index.json, but the JSON object is stored as a JavaScript variable of type string. The index.json.js file can be created in Windows from the index.json file using the index.json.bat script. If both files (index.json and index.json.js) are present, the index.json.js file will be used as the source. The main advantage of using the index.json.js file is that it can be loaded locally in the browser without using a server.

JSON data source format

The source file index.json has two main sections general and groups. The general section contains general page settings in following variables:

Variable name Default Description
title "HomeBox" Page title in the browser bar
backgroundcolor "#d0d7df" Background color
textcolor "#110c75" Text color
hovercolor "#899eb1" Undercolouring on mouseover
iconsize "64px" Size of icons for individual items
fontsize "1.2em" Font size of each item
orientation "row" Orientation of the order of the items. (row or column)

The groups section is an array of variables, where each array entry represents one group of links. Each entry has a variable name, where the caption of the group is given, and items, which is again an array of variables, where each contains variables:

  • caption = Item label
  • address = Link address
  • image = Link to the item image

The image variable can contain relative and absolute references valid for the src attribute of the <img> HTML tag. If the image is to be retrieved from another server, the headers must be modified accordingly (typically the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header = "*"). If the value of the image variable starts with badge:// a badge with the letter(s) after the slash will be used instead of the image. For example, badge://G will be shown as a capital G in a badge. In this case, you can also use custom CSS styles listed after the | symbol. For example, badge://G|backgroud-color:red will display G in a red badge, and so on.