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Deep Storage Browser

Deep Storage Browser is a C++/Qt graphical desktop application for interacting with the Deep Storage REST interface. Windows and Mac OSX are currently supported although it should work on any Qt compatible platform.

BlackPearl Compatibility

This version of the Deep Storage Browser is only compatible with BlackPearl version 1.2.

Build Requirements

  • Qt 5.3
  • DS3 C SDK
  • C++ compiler (Microsoft Visual Studio, Apple XCode, GCC, etc)

Build Instructions

Building a Qt application is generally the same on all platforms. It generally involves using qmake to generate Makefiles/project files/etc and then using your system's native build tools to build the application. It is recommended to build within a separate build directory to keep the source directory clean. This also makes it easy to clean your workspace.

Windows Builds

The application is currently setup to use Microsoft Visual Studio (Express). Build the DS3 C SDK. In the Microsoft Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt:

cd <deep_storage_browser directory>
mkdir build 
cd build
qmake ../
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\src\ds3.h .\
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\win32\output\lib\*.lib .\
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\win32\output\bin\*.dll .\release
mkdir curl
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\win32\deps\install\curl .\curl
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\win32\deps\install\include\zconf.h .\
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\win32\deps\install\include\zlib.h .\
copy <ds3_c_sdk directory>\win32\deps\install\lib\zlib_a.lib .\
nmake release

A release executable will be located under build/release. Running nmake without any targets specified will build the debug version to build/debug.

Microsoft Visual Studio can also be used to build/develop the application. To generate a Microsoft Visual Studio project file:

cd <deep_storage_browser directory>
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -tp vc ../

Mac OSX Builds

Install XCode if you have not already done so. Build and install the DS3 C SDK and it's dependencies. Then, in Terminal:

cd <deep_storage_browser directory>
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
make release

A release app bundle will be located under build/release. Running make without any targets specified will build the debug version to build/debug.

XCode can also be used to build/develop the application. To generate an XCode project file:

cd <deep_storage_browser directory>
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -spec macx-xcode ../

Ubuntu Linux Builds

You'll need to install qmake, and then build as normal.

sudo apt-get install qt5-default
cd <deep_storage_browser directory>
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
make release
./release/Deep\ Storage\ Browser &

CentOS Linux Builds

You'll need to install qmake, and then build as normal.

sudo yum install qt5-devel
sudo yum install gcc-c++
cd <deep_storage_browser directory>
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../
make release
./release/Deep\ Storage\ Browser &

Packaging and Deploying

The easiest way to package up and deploy the application is to build the application and deploy all of its dependencies (Qt libraries, C SDK, etc) along with the app. Qt provides macdeloyqt, windeployqt, etc tools to make this easy. They are located in your Qt's bin directory (where qmake is located). Just run the appropriate deployqt tool, for your host platform, and point it to where your built executable is; on OSX, point it to the .app bundle. On OSX, it copies all the dependencies to the .app bundle. On Windows, it copies all the dependencies to the directory where the .exe file is.

Session Persistence

The application is currently setup to automatically save the session data if the user selects that option. Where the data is saved depends on the platform. On OSX, it is stored in ~/Library/Preferences/com.spectralogic.Deep Storage Browser.plist.

OSX Note - OSX Yosemite, and possibly earlier versions, cache the plist files. Thus, deleting the plist file is not enough to clear the setting. You must then either restart, logout/login, or execute killall -u yourusername cfprefsd

TODO - Update for Windows

Running Tests

Qt's unit test framework is used for testing. A separate test console application is provided under the test/ directory that will run all the tests. To run the tests, build and run the test application like any other Qt application.

cd <deep_storage_browser directory>/test
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../


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  • C++ 96.6%
  • QMake 2.0%
  • Other 1.4%