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Before you Post(gres)QL, preql.

A Haskell SQL library.

  1. Quickstart
  2. Vision

Current Status

preql provides a a quasiquoter select that checks SQL syntax at compile time for most valid Select queries, and a more general sql quasiquoter that converts inline variable names to SQL parameters without validating syntax. preql also includes a low-level interface to PostgreSQL, a Transaction type, and a pair type classes to support tagless final effects. Eventually the quasiquoters will validate the rest of the SQL data manipulation language, and likely provide some form of schema checking.


    import Preql -- The `Preql` module re-exports the interface useful to typical applications.
    import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        conn <- connectdb "" -- Get a database connection with default connection string

        -- You can write a SQL instance to replace this ReaderT with
        -- your own application state, logging, error handling
        flip runReaderT conn $
            -- A simple query with no parameters
            cats <- query [select| SELECT name, age FROM cats |]
            for_ cats \(cat :: (Text, Int)) -> print cat

            -- A query with parameters
            let minAge = 10
            oldCats <- query [select| SELECT name, age FROM cats where age > ${minAge}|]
            for_ oldCats \(cat :: (Text, Int)) -> print cat

            -- A query that doesn't return rows
            query_ [sql| UPDATE cats SET age = 0 where age < 1 |]

            -- Multiple queries in a transaction
            moreOldCats <- runTransaction $ do
                ages <- V.head <$> query [select| SELECT id, age FROM cats |]
                  for_ ages \(id, age) -> do
                      let newAge = age + 1
                      -- Use `sql` for non-SELECT queries
                      query_ [sql|UPDATE cats set age=${newAge} where id = ${id}|]
                query [select| SELECT name FROM cats WHERE age = ${minAge} |]
                -- Just an example; you could make this one query
            traverse_ putStrLn moreOldCats

The top-level module Preql re-exports most of the useful functions. Keep reading there.

Vision: Parsing SQL in Haskell Quasiquotes

Can GHC check that a query is sytactically correct at compile time, without having Postgres run it?

I want to

  • write standard (Postgres) SQL
  • support all of the Postgres features that I depend on in a single library
  • catch SQL syntax errors during Haskell type checking
  • catch SQL - Haskell type mismatches during Haskell type checking

To hedge my bets between the goal of supporting Postgres's extensive feature set & providing meaningful type errors, I plan to implement 3 quasiquoters:

  • parameter (and result column?) antiquotes, no attempt at interpreting the SQL
  • SQL syntax checking, without requiring a schema
  • with a schema provided, check that queries, parameters, and results are type-correct

I see several reasons to support literal SQL syntax:

  • many people already know it; learning it will be useful for a long time
  • non-Haskell developers on the project are also likely to know it
  • efficient interactive development of the SQL query, before parameterizing & inserting in Haskell code
  • easy adoption from existing code bases using postgresql-simple or hasql (or other SQL-string libraries)

Prior Art

Haskell libraries that I've used in production seem to fall into 3 categories:

  • SQL as strings, with syntax & types only checked when the query runs
  • simple non-SQL interfaces that are convenient for CRUD, but don't cover joins, aggregates, and other SQL features
  • complex EDSLs that cover much of SQL, with a new syntax & lots of fancy type hackery

Each approach addresses some of the goals under Vision, but none lets me both write literal SQL & provides a reasonable degree of type checking.

The most similar design that I've found in Haskell is hasql-th.

postgresql-typed also occupies a similar point in the design space. It provides a quasiquoter, and connects to Postgres at compile time to validate the queries. I haven't tried it out yet, but it seems like a very promising approach.

If you know of other libraries with similar ambitions, please let me know.


experiments with SQL & Haskell







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