Rebound Xamarin Binding
Rebound is a java library that models spring dynamics. Rebound spring models can be used to create animations that feel natural by introducing real world physics to your application.
Rebound is not a general purpose physics library; however, spring dynamics can be used to drive a wide variety of animations. The simplicity of Rebound makes it easy to integrate and use as a building block for creating more complex components like pagers, toggles, and scrollers.
Android resource:
Version : 0.3.8
Download : Available on Nuget Gallery ( )
Simple use cases :
public class MainActivity : Activity
// Define in Activity
public Spring spring;
// Create a system to run the physics loop for a set of springs.
SpringSystem springSystem = SpringSystem.Create();
// Add a spring to the system.
spring = springSystem.CreateSpring();
// Defining spring listener
var springListener = new SpringListener(imageView, spring);
// Setting spring listener
// Set the spring in motion; moving from 0 to 1
Override OnTouchEvent
public override bool OnTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
switch (e.Action) {
case MotionEventActions.Down:
return true;
case MotionEventActions.Up:
return true;
return false;
public class SpringListener : SimpleSpringListener
public ImageView imageView;
public Spring spring;
public SpringListener(ImageView imageView,Spring spring)
this.imageView = imageView;
this.spring = spring;
public override void OnSpringUpdate(Spring p0)
float value = (float)spring.CurrentValue;
float scale = 1f - (value * 0.5f);
imageView.ScaleX = scale;
imageView.ScaleY = scale;
Beray Bentesen - @BerayBentesen on Twitter