a program to count pedestrians and bikers with a raspberry pi and OpenCV
- clean up code
- add kalman filter
- target class (might be deprecated)
- algorithms
- accurate counting
- distance error?
- discretization
- overlap
- make sure everything is properly documented
- use readthedocs.org instead of markdown
- add more options to the settings
- test live stream option
- get more test videos
- main counting program
- object class
- essentially a center point that id's an object being tracked
- image input class
- wraps the raspicamera and video file options up so that the other programs don't care
- image output class
- abstracts outputing to file or to the screen
- static class that basically just a bunch of tracking algorithms
- matches object or targets from frame to frame
- simple program to average a video and find background
- not working that great, but could be due to shaky video
- a couple functions that I wanted to have available in multiple places
- make sure you add the opencv stuff to your path: [path to opencv]/include
- in our case /usr/local/packages/opencv/include
- or do the -I thing when compiling
- also -L for the libraries