A plugin for the integration of Joomla registration form with Ecomail. Subscribe users during registration on the website.
- automatic od opt-in mode (user may be subscribed automatically or by clicking on a checkbox)
- option to name and surname collection
- option to update existing contacts
- option to resubscribe
- option to skip double opt-in
- option to run automations when user is subscribed
- user is subscribed automatically on successful registration
- user is subscribed only if he choose to by click on a checkbox
- user can manage his opt-in consent in profile settings (it uses Joomla native custom fields)
Follow this instructions if you choose opt-in mode
- create a user custom field type checkboxes (Users->Fields->New)
- in the field Checkbox values click on the plus button
- fill the text and value fields, value must be exact "subscribe"
- Joomla 4 / Joomla 5
- valid SSL certificate (all requests to Ecomail API must be from https, not works on localhost without https etc.)
This plugin use official PHP library for dealing with Ecomail API https://github.com/Ecomailcz/ecomail-php
You can support my work by purchasing an Ecomail subscription through that link: https://ecomail.cz?fpr=petbe
Or you can Buy Me a Coffe