Please add your TMDb API key in TmdbApiKey="your_api_key"
- Choose between most popular and highest rated movies
- Movies are displayed in the main layout via a grid of their corresponding movie poster thumbnails.
- UI contains a screen for displaying the details for a selected movie.
- contains title, release date, movie poster, vote average, and plot synopsis.
- section for displaying trailer videos and user reviews.
- user can tap a button to mark it as a Favorite.
- UI gets populated after data was loaded with Loader in background task
- Queries the /movie/popular or /movie/top_rated API for the sort criteria specified in the settings menu.
- Requests related videos for a selected movie via the /movie/{id}/videos endpoint.
- Requests user reviews for a selected movie via the /movie/{id}/reviews endpoint.
- Titles and IDs of the user’s favorite movies are stored in a native SQLite database and are exposed via a ContentProvider.
- Saving instance state on rotation (implemented with ViewModel from android.arch.lifecycle)
- Navigation Drawer
- Endless scrolling for movies from web source (automatic loading of more pages on background thread)
- Storing additional information about favorites to allow sorting by title, release date or timestamp when favorite has been added.
- Re-selecting the same sorting reverses the order.
- Swipe to remove favorite
- Selecting a favorite from Favorites downloads the movie details in a background thread from TMDb's /movie endpoint by id (no movie data that could change is stored in SQLite database for a favorite)
- Loading additional data in multiple Loader background threads for movie details (each content getting populated in UI as soon as possible):
- Youtube trailer thumbnails (parsed from downloaded JSON from oEmbed-endpoint at "")
- additional movie information (imdb id for link to IMDb page, runtime, budget, genres).
- Settings
- Language for movie data
- JSON parsing engine (Google Gson or "bare hands")
- Search movie on other web services (Rottom Tomatoes, Amazon, Google, IMDb, Youtube)