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An AngularJS angular-bem module for using components based on i-bem.js framework. See bem-core and bem-components for further details.

Module will allow you to render BEMJSON, help you to work with BEM mods and events, and provide some integrations of i-bem blocks with Angular directives.


bower i ng-bem-components --save

angular-bem depends on i-bem__dom, jquery, BEMHTML and BEMTREE (optional) from ymodules modular system. Include angular-bem.js in your js bundle or html file in any place where ymodules is already defined.

Bootstrap Angular app

You will not be able to use ngApp directive since dependencies are provided asynchronously. Require angular-bem module from ymodules to bootstrap your angular app instead.

angular.module('my-app', ['angular-bem', ...]);

modules.require('angular-bem', function(){
    angular.bootstrap(document, ['my-app']);


Module provides i-bem__dom, BEMHTML and BEMTREE from ymodules as angular injectable services bemdom, bemhtml and bemtree respectively. bemtree service will be undefined (but still exists) if BEMTREE is not defined in ymodules.


ngbem service for processing BEMJSON with BEMHTML and BEMTREE templates.




ngbem(bemjson, useBemtree);

Param Type Details
bemjson Object Object in BEMJSON format to process.
useBemtree Boolean If set to true process BEMJSON with BEMTREE first of all.

Promise - Promise that will be resolved with HTML string processed from bemjson.



Directive renders provided BEMJSON using BEMHTML and optionally BEMTREE templates. BEMJSON has access to scope since is treated as Angular Expression. Rendered html initialized with bemdom's init() method and compiled with Angular $compile service. List of scope variables could be provided to observe changes, which will lead to rerendering provided BEMJSON.




as element:


as attribute:

Param Type Details
bemjson expression BEMJSON as Angular Expression. Could be a refference to Object in scope.
observe string Comma separated list of scope variable to observe. Changes on it would lead to rerendering.
bemtree none Flag to indicate whether BEMTREE templates should be used for BEMJSON processing.



Directives attaches to i-bem.js blocks using data-bem attribute and provides next set of features:

  • Provide integration with some native Angular directives: ngModel, ngChange and events exposing directives like ngBlur
  • Allow to bind i-bem.js block mod to settable angular expression through bem-mod-* attributes
  • Call angular expression on i-bem.js events defined in bem-event-* and bem-mod-event-* attributes


$parse, bemController, ngModelController


You don't need to apply directive in your html templates. It just automatically applies to every i-bem.js block when angular applies $compile on some DOM nodes or HTML. Most likely you will use attributes provided by directive in BEMJSON.

Note: currently we support only short syntax for attributes definitions. It means, that they applied to every block found on DOM-node. Support for explicit definition which block should be used is planned on near releases.

Binding to mods

You could bind mods of i-bem blocks to expression result with bem-mod-mod-name="expression" syntax. mod-name would be updated with value expression evaluates to each time it changes.

2 way binding to scope variable enabled with bind: prefix. Changing scope variable vm.modName will change value of mod mod-name and vice versa when defined with bem-mod-mod-name="vm.modName" syntax.

Note, that mod name is case sensitive, but you wouldn't be able to bind several mods if it differs only in case. Anyway, using such mods (eg, disabled and Disabled) at the same time indicates problems in app architecture.

BEM events

You could bind expression to call on i-bem.js events with bem-event-event-name="vm.eventNameOccured()" syntax. Bem events emmited on mod changes are also supported with bem-modevent-mod-name="vm.modNameChanged()" syntax.

$bemEvent object is exposed to called expression:

Attribute Details
event Object representing bem event.
target Convenient alias to $
data Additional data passed to event.

The same note about mod's and event's names case sensivity is also appliable here.

Supported Angular directives

i-bem.js block must implement getVal() and setVal(value) methods to work with ngModel, and must emit bem change event to run expression in ngChange directive.

Note, that setting updateOn key of object defined in ngModelOptions most likely will not work as expected.




Provides access to i-bem.js block instances for bemDirective by exposing bem property with object. Each key in object represents an i-bem.js block found on current DOM-node based on value in data-bem attribute. Block will be initialized and cached on first access to key in bem object. Most likely it will happen in bemDirective if any of supported attributes will be found. i-bem.js allows several blocks exist on the same DOM-node. bemController will expose every of them.