bem-gen-doc is a documentation generator which converts documentation of BEM-libraries' items (blocks, elements or modifiers) into HTML website.
This project is still under development
› git clone git://
› cd bem-gen-doc
› npm install
The simple usage example could be found in the example
To build example
documentation site follow this steps:
› bem make -r example vendor
This will install all dependancies for library.
Now lets build our example:
› bem make -r example/ site
The build process should start. It will take a few moments. When it's done, we could start our develepor server and look at result:
› bem server
Server will start on port 8080, so you could point your browser to
should be in your PATH
environment variable. You could do this by adding this line to your user's
exports PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH
BEM is abbreviation for Block-Element-Modifier. It's a way to write code which is easy to support and develop.
For more info about BEM metodology see