Welcome to our collection of bees - Breadboard Expansions by EMT ("Elektrische Messtechnik", Measurement Engineering Group at Paderborn University). Bees are small printed circuit boards and part of our "modular, scalable open-hardware platform for laboratory courses in electrical engineering studies" as presented at SEFI 2020 [1]. They are actively used in our laboratory course and workshops for pupils.
Besides the actual bees (repos named bee-*), this organisation contains everything you need to design your own bees (repos named kicad-*).
[1] T. Hetkämper, M. Krumme, D. Dreiling, and L. Claes, “A modular, scalable open-hardware platform for project-based laboratory courses in electrical engineering studies,” in SEFI 48th Annual Conference Proceedings - Engaging Engineering Education, Enschede, 2020, pp. 1309–1313. See also https://ris.uni-paderborn.de/record/19502.