Muuvi is a personalised movie history browsing application. Thanks to Muuvi, you can keep track of the movies you have watched, add them to favourites and share them with your friends.
- Clean Architecture: Separation of concerns with clearly defined layers.
- MVVM: For better testability and maintainability.
- Dependency Injection: Using Hilt to manage dependencies.
- Asynchronous Programming: Using Kotlin Coroutines.
- Network Requests: Managed with Retrofit.
- API Key Management: Secrets are kept secure using the secrets-gradle-plugin.
- LiveData: LiveData is used to observe changes in data and update the UI.
- Image Loading: Using Glide for efficient image loading and caching.
- ViewBinding:Replacing findViewById to access xml layout elements.
- DiffUtil: Calculating difference between new list and old list efficiently.
splash | login | home |
drawer | search | movie detail |
- Secrets are kept secure using the secrets-gradle-plugin.