tuned/basic - Library for tuned
This is a trivial example of a BeakerLib library. It's main goal is to provide a minimal template which can be used as a skeleton when creating a new library. It implements function fileCreate(). Please note, that all library functions must begin with the same prefix which is defined at the beginning of the library.
Below is the list of global variables. When writing a new library, please make sure that all global variables start with the library prefix to prevent collisions with other libraries.
Path where current profile has backup.
Backups current profile
Restores previous profile
Check equal number of CPUs - portable way
Check greater or equal number of CPUS - portable way
# tunedAssertCPUsGreaterOrEqual
This library supports direct execution. When run as a task, phases provided in the PHASE environment variable will be executed. Supported phases are:
- Robin Hack [email protected]
- Branislav Blaskovic [email protected]