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AA Benchmarks

A comprehensive benchmark for smart contract accounts that support account abstraction (ERC-4337), built on Hardhat for accurate, transaction-based, fee measurements (see Methodology) and for use of existing TypeScript utilities around fee calculations. This work was inspired by ZeroDev's work on aa-benchmark, which is built on Foundry.


This tool seeks to measure the cost of the entire transaction landed on-chain for each action, including associated L1 fees. As smart accounts are expected to proliferate on L2s, it's important to consider L1 fees (measured as a function of the RLP-encoded signed transaction and the blob gas market) on top of L2 execution costs. L1 fees can impact the cost of transactions on L2s, so optimizing the size of calldata is important.

The L1 fee calculations are done following the formula and constants specified in Optimism Ecotone.

There are two different categories of benchmarks measured in this test: User Operation and Runtime.

  • User Operation: Measuring the cost of user operations are tricky because each bundler may calculate pre-verification gas differently and the costs may differ based on the number of user operations in the bundle. In this test, the on-chain cost for a bundler to execute the user operation in a bundle of size 1 is measured, to present a lower-bound fee required for the user operation to land in an exclusive bundle. In other words, fees are calculated based on the transaction receipt and the serialized signed EIP-1559 transaction for entryPoint.handleUserOp([userOp]). As multi-user-op bundles become more prevalent, we can expect actual fees to undercut the data presented here.
  • Runtime: Runtime transactions are defined as those performed outside of the user operation flow, with the owner key interacting directly with the account factory or account, akin to the way you might use MetaMask today to interact directly with smart contracts. Support for runtime transactions also enable contracts to interact directly with your smart account. For this flow, fees are calculated based on the transaction's receipt and the serialized signed EIP-1559 transaction.


These numbers are derived from local simulations with fixed inputs (see Run benchmark below to try different inputs) and actual on-chain numbers may differ.

⛽️ Benchmarks for other networks

Ethereum Mainnet | Arbitrum Mainnet | Polygon Mainnet | Optimism Mainnet | Base Mainnet | Zora Mainnet

Optimism Mainnet

Run parameters

Parameter Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Gas price (gwei) 0.061023704 0.060233618
L1 base fee (gwei) 3.578904748 24.05
L1 base fee scalar 1368 1368
Blob base fee (wei) 1 46930000000
Blob base fee scalar 810949 810949
ETH price (USD) $3168.1 -

User Operation: Account creation

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.1661 $0.2251
Biconomy v2 $0.0639 $0.1334
Kernel v2.1 $0.0574 $0.1289
Safe $0.0844 $0.1714
Simple Account $0.0576 $0.1146
Light Account $0.0602 $0.1188
Light Account v2 $0.0517 $0.1082
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0567 $0.1131
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0616 $0.1291
Nexus $0.0663 $0.1315
Kernel V3.1 $0.0656 $0.1418
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 858351 0.000052380 8020 0.000000039 0.000052419 $0.1661
Biconomy v2 329947 0.000020135 9224 0.000000045 0.000020180 $0.0639
Kernel v2.1 296301 0.000018081 9472 0.000000046 0.000018128 $0.0574
Safe 435486 0.000026575 11552 0.000000057 0.000026632 $0.0844
Simple Account 297367 0.000018146 7568 0.000000037 0.000018183 $0.0576
Light Account 310532 0.000018950 7800 0.000000038 0.000018988 $0.0602
Light Account v2 266901 0.000016287 7496 0.000000037 0.000016324 $0.0517
Multi-Owner Light Account 292822 0.000017869 7484 0.000000037 0.000017906 $0.0567
Coinbase Smart Wallet 317904 0.000019400 8964 0.000000044 0.000019444 $0.0616
Nexus 342381 0.000020893 8664 0.000000042 0.000020936 $0.0663
Kernel V3.1 338419 0.000020652 10108 0.000000049 0.000020701 $0.0656
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 858351 0.000051702 8020 0.000019340 0.000071042 $0.2251
Biconomy v2 329947 0.000019874 9224 0.000022244 0.000042118 $0.1334
Kernel v2.1 296301 0.000017847 9472 0.000022842 0.000040689 $0.1289
Safe 435486 0.000026231 11552 0.000027858 0.000054089 $0.1714
Simple Account 297367 0.000017911 7568 0.000018250 0.000036162 $0.1146
Light Account 310532 0.000018704 7800 0.000018810 0.000037514 $0.1188
Light Account v2 266901 0.000016076 7496 0.000018077 0.000034153 $0.1082
Multi-Owner Light Account 292822 0.000017638 7484 0.000018048 0.000035686 $0.1131
Coinbase Smart Wallet 317904 0.000019149 8964 0.000021617 0.000040765 $0.1291
Nexus 342381 0.000020623 8664 0.000020893 0.000041516 $0.1315
Kernel V3.1 338419 0.000020384 10108 0.000024376 0.000044760 $0.1418

User Operation: Native transfer

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0320 $0.0869
Biconomy v2 $0.0314 $0.0909
Kernel v2.1 $0.0317 $0.0876
Safe $0.0342 $0.0907
Simple Account $0.0293 $0.0818
Light Account $0.0297 $0.0845
Light Account v2 $0.0293 $0.0819
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0293 $0.0819
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0304 $0.0895
Nexus $0.0319 $0.0870
Kernel V3.1 $0.0370 $0.0925
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 165100 0.000010075 7248 0.000000035 0.000010110 $0.0320
Biconomy v2 161912 0.000009880 7848 0.000000038 0.000009919 $0.0314
Kernel v2.1 163398 0.000009971 7388 0.000000036 0.000010007 $0.0317
Safe 176479 0.000010769 7460 0.000000037 0.000010806 $0.0342
Simple Account 151045 0.000009217 6932 0.000000034 0.000009251 $0.0293
Light Account 152880 0.000009329 7248 0.000000035 0.000009365 $0.0297
Light Account v2 151040 0.000009217 6944 0.000000034 0.000009251 $0.0293
Multi-Owner Light Account 151148 0.000009224 6944 0.000000034 0.000009258 $0.0293
Coinbase Smart Wallet 156812 0.000009569 7796 0.000000038 0.000009607 $0.0304
Nexus 164351 0.000010029 7288 0.000000036 0.000010065 $0.0319
Kernel V3.1 190912 0.000011650 7336 0.000000036 0.000011686 $0.0370
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 165100 0.000009945 7248 0.000017479 0.000027423 $0.0869
Biconomy v2 161912 0.000009753 7848 0.000018926 0.000028678 $0.0909
Kernel v2.1 163398 0.000009842 7388 0.000017816 0.000027658 $0.0876
Safe 176479 0.000010630 7460 0.000017990 0.000028620 $0.0907
Simple Account 151045 0.000009098 6932 0.000016717 0.000025815 $0.0818
Light Account 152880 0.000009209 7248 0.000017479 0.000026687 $0.0845
Light Account v2 151040 0.000009098 6944 0.000016746 0.000025843 $0.0819
Multi-Owner Light Account 151148 0.000009104 6944 0.000016746 0.000025850 $0.0819
Coinbase Smart Wallet 156812 0.000009445 7796 0.000018800 0.000028246 $0.0895
Nexus 164351 0.000009899 7288 0.000017575 0.000027475 $0.0870
Kernel V3.1 190912 0.000011499 7336 0.000017691 0.000029190 $0.0925

User Operation: ERC-20 transfer

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0368 $0.0967
Biconomy v2 $0.0361 $0.1007
Kernel v2.1 $0.0364 $0.0974
Safe $0.0389 $0.1003
Simple Account $0.0340 $0.0916
Light Account $0.0343 $0.0942
Light Account v2 $0.0340 $0.0916
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0340 $0.0916
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0351 $0.0991
Nexus $0.0365 $0.0956
Kernel V3.1 $0.0417 $0.1010
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 189487 0.000011563 7920 0.000000039 0.000011602 $0.0368
Biconomy v2 185868 0.000011342 8532 0.000000042 0.000011384 $0.0361
Kernel v2.1 187609 0.000011449 8060 0.000000039 0.000011488 $0.0364
Safe 200732 0.000012249 8120 0.000000040 0.000012289 $0.0389
Simple Account 175283 0.000010696 7616 0.000000037 0.000010734 $0.0340
Light Account 177013 0.000010802 7908 0.000000039 0.000010841 $0.0343
Light Account v2 175186 0.000010690 7616 0.000000037 0.000010728 $0.0340
Multi-Owner Light Account 175294 0.000010697 7616 0.000000037 0.000010734 $0.0340
Coinbase Smart Wallet 181014 0.000011046 8456 0.000000041 0.000011088 $0.0351
Nexus 188136 0.000011481 7820 0.000000038 0.000011519 $0.0365
Kernel V3.1 214817 0.000013109 7856 0.000000038 0.000013147 $0.0417
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 189487 0.000011413 7920 0.000019099 0.000030513 $0.0967
Biconomy v2 185868 0.000011196 8532 0.000020575 0.000031771 $0.1007
Kernel v2.1 187609 0.000011300 8060 0.000019437 0.000030737 $0.0974
Safe 200732 0.000012091 8120 0.000019582 0.000031672 $0.1003
Simple Account 175283 0.000010558 7616 0.000018366 0.000028924 $0.0916
Light Account 177013 0.000010662 7908 0.000019070 0.000029732 $0.0942
Light Account v2 175186 0.000010552 7616 0.000018366 0.000028918 $0.0916
Multi-Owner Light Account 175294 0.000010559 7616 0.000018366 0.000028925 $0.0916
Coinbase Smart Wallet 181014 0.000010903 8456 0.000020392 0.000031295 $0.0991
Nexus 188136 0.000011332 7820 0.000018858 0.000030190 $0.0956
Kernel V3.1 214817 0.000012939 7856 0.000018945 0.000031884 $0.1010

User Operation: Uniswap V3 ERC-20 swap

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0405 $0.1109
Biconomy v2 $0.0398 $0.1148
Kernel v2.1 $0.0402 $0.1116
Safe $0.0428 $0.1146
Simple Account $0.0378 $0.1059
Light Account $0.0381 $0.1085
Light Account v2 $0.0377 $0.1058
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0377 $0.1056
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0389 $0.1134
Nexus $0.0402 $0.1098
Kernel V3.1 $0.0455 $0.1151
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 208682 0.000012735 9300 0.000000046 0.000012780 $0.0405
Biconomy v2 205018 0.000012511 9900 0.000000048 0.000012559 $0.0398
Kernel v2.1 207241 0.000012647 9428 0.000000046 0.000012693 $0.0402
Safe 220464 0.000013454 9500 0.000000047 0.000013500 $0.0428
Simple Account 194829 0.000011889 8996 0.000000044 0.000011933 $0.0378
Light Account 196151 0.000011970 9300 0.000000046 0.000012015 $0.0381
Light Account v2 194311 0.000011858 8996 0.000000044 0.000011902 $0.0377
Multi-Owner Light Account 194407 0.000011863 8972 0.000000044 0.000011907 $0.0377
Coinbase Smart Wallet 200573 0.000012240 9836 0.000000048 0.000012288 $0.0389
Nexus 207286 0.000012649 9188 0.000000045 0.000012694 $0.0402
Kernel V3.1 234378 0.000014303 9212 0.000000045 0.000014348 $0.0455
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 208682 0.000012570 9300 0.000022427 0.000034997 $0.1109
Biconomy v2 205018 0.000012349 9900 0.000023874 0.000036223 $0.1148
Kernel v2.1 207241 0.000012483 9428 0.000022736 0.000035219 $0.1116
Safe 220464 0.000013279 9500 0.000022909 0.000036189 $0.1146
Simple Account 194829 0.000011735 8996 0.000021694 0.000033429 $0.1059
Light Account 196151 0.000011815 9300 0.000022427 0.000034242 $0.1085
Light Account v2 194311 0.000011704 8996 0.000021694 0.000033398 $0.1058
Multi-Owner Light Account 194407 0.000011710 8972 0.000021636 0.000033346 $0.1056
Coinbase Smart Wallet 200573 0.000012081 9836 0.000023720 0.000035801 $0.1134
Nexus 207286 0.000012486 9188 0.000022157 0.000034643 $0.1098
Kernel V3.1 234378 0.000014117 9212 0.000022215 0.000036332 $0.1151

User Operation: Session key creation

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0708 $0.1561
Biconomy v2 $0.0346 $0.0986
Kernel v2.1 $0.0334 $0.1008
Safe Unsupported Unsupported
Simple Account Unsupported Unsupported
Light Account Unsupported Unsupported
Light Account v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Multi-Owner Light Account Unsupported Unsupported
Coinbase Smart Wallet Unsupported Unsupported
Nexus Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel V3.1 Unsupported Unsupported
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 365368 0.000022296 11308 0.000000055 0.000022351 $0.0708
Biconomy v2 178212 0.000010875 8452 0.000000041 0.000010917 $0.0346
Kernel v2.1 172136 0.000010504 8888 0.000000044 0.000010548 $0.0334
Safe - - - - - -
Simple Account - - - - - -
Light Account - - - - - -
Light Account v2 - - - - - -
Multi-Owner Light Account - - - - - -
Coinbase Smart Wallet - - - - - -
Nexus - - - - - -
Kernel V3.1 - - - - - -
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 365368 0.000022007 11308 0.000027269 0.000049277 $0.1561
Biconomy v2 178212 0.000010734 8452 0.000020382 0.000031116 $0.0986
Kernel v2.1 172136 0.000010368 8888 0.000021434 0.000031802 $0.1008
Safe - - - - - -
Simple Account - - - - - -
Light Account - - - - - -
Light Account v2 - - - - - -
Multi-Owner Light Account - - - - - -
Coinbase Smart Wallet - - - - - -
Nexus - - - - - -
Kernel V3.1 - - - - - -

User Operation: Session key native transfer

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0318 $0.0929
Biconomy v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel v2.1 $0.0247 $0.0994
Safe Unsupported Unsupported
Simple Account Unsupported Unsupported
Light Account Unsupported Unsupported
Light Account v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Multi-Owner Light Account Unsupported Unsupported
Coinbase Smart Wallet Unsupported Unsupported
Nexus Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel V3.1 Unsupported Unsupported
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 163716 0.000009991 8072 0.000000040 0.000010030 $0.0318
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 127202 0.000007762 9828 0.000000048 0.000007810 $0.0247
Safe - - - - - -
Simple Account - - - - - -
Light Account - - - - - -
Light Account v2 - - - - - -
Multi-Owner Light Account - - - - - -
Coinbase Smart Wallet - - - - - -
Nexus - - - - - -
Kernel V3.1 - - - - - -
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 163716 0.000009861 8072 0.000019466 0.000029327 $0.0929
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 127202 0.000007662 9828 0.000023700 0.000031362 $0.0994
Safe - - - - - -
Simple Account - - - - - -
Light Account - - - - - -
Light Account v2 - - - - - -
Multi-Owner Light Account - - - - - -
Coinbase Smart Wallet - - - - - -
Nexus - - - - - -
Kernel V3.1 - - - - - -

User Operation: Session key ERC-20 transfer

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0378 $0.1038
Biconomy v2 $0.0286 $0.1148
Kernel v2.1 $0.0298 $0.1118
Safe Unsupported Unsupported
Simple Account Unsupported Unsupported
Light Account Unsupported Unsupported
Light Account v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Multi-Owner Light Account Unsupported Unsupported
Coinbase Smart Wallet Unsupported Unsupported
Nexus Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel V3.1 Unsupported Unsupported
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 194942 0.000011896 8720 0.000000043 0.000011939 $0.0378
Biconomy v2 147023 0.000008972 11348 0.000000056 0.000009027 $0.0286
Kernel v2.1 153240 0.000009351 10804 0.000000053 0.000009404 $0.0298
Safe - - - - - -
Simple Account - - - - - -
Light Account - - - - - -
Light Account v2 - - - - - -
Multi-Owner Light Account - - - - - -
Coinbase Smart Wallet - - - - - -
Nexus - - - - - -
Kernel V3.1 - - - - - -
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 194942 0.000011742 8720 0.000021028 0.000032770 $0.1038
Biconomy v2 147023 0.000008856 11348 0.000027366 0.000036222 $0.1148
Kernel v2.1 153240 0.000009230 10804 0.000026054 0.000035284 $0.1118
Safe - - - - - -
Simple Account - - - - - -
Light Account - - - - - -
Light Account v2 - - - - - -
Multi-Owner Light Account - - - - - -
Coinbase Smart Wallet - - - - - -
Nexus - - - - - -
Kernel V3.1 - - - - - -

Runtime: Account creation

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.1403 $0.1579
Biconomy v2 $0.0382 $0.0617
Kernel v2.1 $0.0317 $0.0609
Safe $0.0560 $0.1001
Simple Account $0.0337 $0.0514
Light Account $0.0359 $0.0530
Light Account v2 $0.0278 $0.0449
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0328 $0.0499
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0369 $0.0589
Nexus $0.0407 $0.0642
Kernel V3.1 $0.0350 $0.0693
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 725323 0.000044262 2556 0.000000013 0.000044274 $0.1403
Biconomy v2 197473 0.000012051 3140 0.000000015 0.000012066 $0.0382
Kernel v2.1 163890 0.000010001 3876 0.000000019 0.000010020 $0.0317
Safe 289207 0.000017648 5884 0.000000029 0.000017677 $0.0560
Simple Account 174219 0.000010631 2372 0.000000012 0.000010643 $0.0337
Light Account 185267 0.000011306 2312 0.000000011 0.000011317 $0.0359
Light Account v2 143842 0.000008778 2288 0.000000011 0.000008789 $0.0278
Multi-Owner Light Account 169655 0.000010353 2300 0.000000011 0.000010364 $0.0328
Coinbase Smart Wallet 190525 0.000011627 2948 0.000000014 0.000011641 $0.0369
Nexus 210309 0.000012834 3152 0.000000015 0.000012849 $0.0407
Kernel V3.1 180465 0.000011013 4564 0.000000022 0.000011035 $0.0350
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 725323 0.000043689 2556 0.000006164 0.000049853 $0.1579
Biconomy v2 197473 0.000011895 3140 0.000007572 0.000019467 $0.0617
Kernel v2.1 163890 0.000009872 3876 0.000009347 0.000019219 $0.0609
Safe 289207 0.000017420 5884 0.000014189 0.000031609 $0.1001
Simple Account 174219 0.000010494 2372 0.000005720 0.000016214 $0.0514
Light Account 185267 0.000011159 2312 0.000005575 0.000016735 $0.0530
Light Account v2 143842 0.000008664 2288 0.000005518 0.000014182 $0.0449
Multi-Owner Light Account 169655 0.000010219 2300 0.000005546 0.000015765 $0.0499
Coinbase Smart Wallet 190525 0.000011476 2948 0.000007109 0.000018585 $0.0589
Nexus 210309 0.000012668 3152 0.000007601 0.000020269 $0.0642
Kernel V3.1 180465 0.000010870 4564 0.000011006 0.000021876 $0.0693

Runtime: Native transfer

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0098 $0.0303
Biconomy v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel v2.1 $0.0088 $0.0305
Safe $0.0147 $0.0524
Simple Account $0.0077 $0.0282
Light Account $0.0077 $0.0281
Light Account v2 $0.0077 $0.0282
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0077 $0.0283
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0077 $0.0283
Nexus $0.0077 $0.0294
Kernel V3.1 $0.0094 $0.0312
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 50408 0.000003076 2712 0.000000013 0.000003089 $0.0098
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 45364 0.000002768 2856 0.000000014 0.000002782 $0.0088
Safe 75840 0.000004628 4968 0.000000024 0.000004652 $0.0147
Simple Account 39381 0.000002403 2712 0.000000013 0.000002416 $0.0077
Light Account 39396 0.000002404 2700 0.000000013 0.000002417 $0.0077
Light Account v2 39368 0.000002402 2712 0.000000013 0.000002416 $0.0077
Multi-Owner Light Account 39463 0.000002408 2712 0.000000013 0.000002421 $0.0077
Coinbase Smart Wallet 39681 0.000002421 2712 0.000000013 0.000002435 $0.0077
Nexus 39685 0.000002422 2856 0.000000014 0.000002436 $0.0077
Kernel V3.1 48615 0.000002967 2868 0.000000014 0.000002981 $0.0094
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 50408 0.000003036 2712 0.000006540 0.000009576 $0.0303
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 45364 0.000002732 2856 0.000006887 0.000009620 $0.0305
Safe 75840 0.000004568 4968 0.000011980 0.000016549 $0.0524
Simple Account 39381 0.000002372 2712 0.000006540 0.000008912 $0.0282
Light Account 39396 0.000002373 2700 0.000006511 0.000008884 $0.0281
Light Account v2 39368 0.000002371 2712 0.000006540 0.000008911 $0.0282
Multi-Owner Light Account 39463 0.000002377 2712 0.000006540 0.000008917 $0.0283
Coinbase Smart Wallet 39681 0.000002390 2712 0.000006540 0.000008930 $0.0283
Nexus 39685 0.000002390 2856 0.000006887 0.000009278 $0.0294
Kernel V3.1 48615 0.000002928 2868 0.000006916 0.000009844 $0.0312

Runtime: ERC-20 transfer

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0145 $0.0401
Biconomy v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel v2.1 $0.0134 $0.0402
Safe $0.0194 $0.0621
Simple Account $0.0123 $0.0380
Light Account $0.0123 $0.0379
Light Account v2 $0.0123 $0.0380
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0123 $0.0380
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0124 $0.0381
Nexus $0.0123 $0.0379
Kernel V3.1 $0.0140 $0.0396
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 74693 0.000004558 3388 0.000000017 0.000004575 $0.0145
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 69230 0.000004225 3532 0.000000017 0.000004242 $0.0134
Safe 99715 0.000006085 5640 0.000000028 0.000006113 $0.0194
Simple Account 63503 0.000003875 3388 0.000000017 0.000003892 $0.0123
Light Account 63438 0.000003871 3376 0.000000017 0.000003888 $0.0123
Light Account v2 63410 0.000003870 3388 0.000000017 0.000003886 $0.0123
Multi-Owner Light Account 63505 0.000003875 3388 0.000000017 0.000003892 $0.0123
Coinbase Smart Wallet 63803 0.000003893 3388 0.000000017 0.000003910 $0.0124
Nexus 63384 0.000003868 3376 0.000000017 0.000003884 $0.0123
Kernel V3.1 72317 0.000004413 3376 0.000000017 0.000004430 $0.0140
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 74693 0.000004499 3388 0.000008170 0.000012669 $0.0401
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 69230 0.000004170 3532 0.000008517 0.000012687 $0.0402
Safe 99715 0.000006006 5640 0.000013601 0.000019607 $0.0621
Simple Account 63503 0.000003825 3388 0.000008170 0.000011995 $0.0380
Light Account 63438 0.000003821 3376 0.000008141 0.000011962 $0.0379
Light Account v2 63410 0.000003819 3388 0.000008170 0.000011990 $0.0380
Multi-Owner Light Account 63505 0.000003825 3388 0.000008170 0.000011995 $0.0380
Coinbase Smart Wallet 63803 0.000003843 3388 0.000008170 0.000012013 $0.0381
Nexus 63384 0.000003818 3376 0.000008141 0.000011959 $0.0379
Kernel V3.1 72317 0.000004356 3376 0.000008141 0.000012497 $0.0396

Runtime: Uniswap V3 ERC-20 swap

Total fee (USD)
Latest fees snapshot 2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Modular Account $0.0286 $0.0646
Biconomy v2 Unsupported Unsupported
Kernel v2.1 $0.0276 $0.0645
Safe $0.0302 $0.0831
Simple Account $0.0265 $0.0625
Light Account $0.0265 $0.0623
Light Account v2 $0.0264 $0.0623
Multi-Owner Light Account $0.0265 $0.0623
Coinbase Smart Wallet $0.0266 $0.0626
Nexus $0.0264 $0.0623
Kernel V3.1 $0.0282 $0.0641
Latest fees snapshot
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 147781 0.000009018 4760 0.000000023 0.000009041 $0.0286
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 142287 0.000008683 4888 0.000000024 0.000008707 $0.0276
Safe 155690 0.000009501 6984 0.000000034 0.000009535 $0.0302
Simple Account 136943 0.000008357 4760 0.000000023 0.000008380 $0.0265
Light Account 136457 0.000008327 4748 0.000000023 0.000008350 $0.0265
Light Account v2 136429 0.000008325 4748 0.000000023 0.000008349 $0.0264
Multi-Owner Light Account 136524 0.000008331 4748 0.000000023 0.000008354 $0.0265
Coinbase Smart Wallet 137243 0.000008375 4760 0.000000023 0.000008398 $0.0266
Nexus 136403 0.000008324 4748 0.000000023 0.000008347 $0.0264
Kernel V3.1 145355 0.000008870 4760 0.000000023 0.000008893 $0.0282
2024-03-31 (high blob fees)
Execution gas Execution fee (ETH) L1 gas L1 fee (ETH) Total fee (ETH) Total fee (USD)
Modular Account 147781 0.000008901 4760 0.000011479 0.000020380 $0.0646
Biconomy v2 - - - - - -
Kernel v2.1 142287 0.000008570 4888 0.000011787 0.000020358 $0.0645
Safe 155690 0.000009378 6984 0.000016842 0.000026220 $0.0831
Simple Account 136943 0.000008249 4760 0.000011479 0.000019727 $0.0625
Light Account 136457 0.000008219 4748 0.000011450 0.000019669 $0.0623
Light Account v2 136429 0.000008218 4748 0.000011450 0.000019667 $0.0623
Multi-Owner Light Account 136524 0.000008223 4748 0.000011450 0.000019673 $0.0623
Coinbase Smart Wallet 137243 0.000008267 4760 0.000011479 0.000019745 $0.0626
Nexus 136403 0.000008216 4748 0.000011450 0.000019666 $0.0623
Kernel V3.1 145355 0.000008755 4760 0.000011479 0.000020234 $0.0641

Run benchmark

Copy .env.sample to .env and update the values within .env:

cp .env.sample .env

Test running the benchmarks over the supported accounts and see the results in your terminal:

pnpm benchmark

Run the benchmarks and update this file with the new results:

pnpm benchmark:write


To add a new smart account to this repo, follow the steps below.

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Add the account's artifacts under test/artifacts.
  3. Implement the account's fixture and export an object matching the AccountConfig interface. Add this file under test/accounts.
  4. Add your account under test/accounts.ts to include your account in the benchmarks.
  5. Generate the results and write to the README by running pnpm benchmark:write.
  6. Open a PR against this repo.


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