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Email Notifications

Barry O'Donovan edited this page Jul 24, 2013 · 9 revisions

IXP Manager sends / can send emails triggered by various events or cron jobs.

Port Utilisation Reports

IXP Manager can send a weekly email to given email address(es) warning when ports exceed a configured percentage utilisation (weekly causes less noise than daily and so increases the SNR while decreasing the compulsion to delete without looking!).

NB: this feature requires that you have set up MRTG graphing as the MRTG log files are used to calculate port usage.

To enable these emails, set the following in your application.ini:

cli.port_utilisation.threshold = 0.8
cli.port_utilisation.from_email = "[email protected]"
cli.port_utilisation.from_name  = "XXX Operations"
cli.port_utilisation.subject = "XXX Port Utilisation Report"
cli.port_utilisation.recipients[] = "[email protected]"
cli.port_utilisation.recipients[] = "[email protected]"

In the above example, the utilisation threshold is 80%. Then, add a cron such as:

30 10   * * tue  root  $APPLICATION_PATH/bin/ixptool.php -a

Ports with Errors/Discards Report

IXP Manager can send a daily email to given email address(es) warning when ports have non-zero counters for errors or discards from yesterday. Emails are only sent if at least one port has counters.

NB: this feature requires that you have set up MRTG graphing as the MRTG log files are used as the counters.

To enable these emails, set the following in your application.ini:

; note that the %s in the subject below is replaced 
; with Errors / Discards as appropriate by the script
cli.ports_with_counts.from_email = "[email protected]" 
cli.ports_with_counts.from_name  = "IXP Operations"  
cli.ports_with_counts.subject = "IXP - Ports with %s"
cli.ports_with_counts.recipients[] = "[email protected]"
cli.ports_with_counts.recipients[] = "[email protected]"

Then, add a daily cron such as:

35 10  * * *  root  $APPLICATION_PATH/bin/ixptool.php -a
40 10  * * *  root  $APPLICATION_PATH/bin/ixptool.php -a

Traffic Delta Reports

IXP Manager can send a daily email to given email address(es) highlighting any member traffic with deltas of average traffic greater that 1.5 the standard deviation over a given period.

Warning: This feature needs some work as, for example, after a weekend you may find most members have fallen into this threshold! So, while it does need work, it's also a useful way of staying informed of what's happening with various member ports.

NB: this feature requires that you have set up storing of MRTG traffic data to the database.

To enable these emails, set the following in your application.ini:

cli.traffic_differentials.stddev_calc_length = 60
cli.traffic_differentials.from_email = "[email protected]"
cli.traffic_differentials.from_name  = "XXX Operations"
cli.traffic_differentials.subject = "XXX Traffic Differentials"
cli.traffic_differentials.recipients[] = "[email protected]"
cli.traffic_differentials.recipients[] = "[email protected]"

In the above example, the standard deviation and mean is calculated over the last 60 days (or up to if less than that is available). Then, add a daily cron such as:

0 4 * * *  root  $APPLICATION_PATH/bin/ixptool.php -a

Changes to Billing Details

If you wish to notify an accounts department / person when either an administrator or a customer updates (their) billing details, then set the following application.ini:

;; Billing updates notifications
;; Send email with updated billing details to the following address when billing details
;; are updated by and admin or a user.

billing_updates.notify = "[email protected]"