Maintenance Release 0.7.8
This is another release of the adwm (Advanced Dynamic Window Manager) package that provdes a fully XDG, EWMH (NetWM), WMH (WinWM), MWMH (CDE/Motif), WindowMaker DockApp, ICCM 2.0 compliant dynamic tiling/floating window manager. It borrows concepts from dwm(1)
, velox(1)
, awesome(1)
, spectrwm(1)
and wmii(1)
This is a maintenance release that includes some build improvements and provides a better workaround for gcc 9.1's silly string truncation warnings. There are no outstanding issues at the time of release, and the next release should include some outstanding development from the TODO list.
Included in the release is an autoconf tarball for building the package from source. See the NEWS and TODO file in the release for more information. Please report problems to the issues list on GitHub.